Looking for these items - willing to pay for them at just over nooks prices so you can make a profit:
Coprolite - I'll pay 1,500
T-Rex Torso - I'll pay 6,000
Tricera Torso - I'll pay 6,000
Apato Torso - I'll pay 5,000
Iguanadon tail - I'll pay 3,500
Plesio Torso - I'll pay 5,000
Seismo Skull - I'll pay 6,000
Seismo Tail - I'll pay 5,000
Golden Axe - I'll pay 1,500
Fruit [Peach, Apple, Pear and Orange] - I'll pay [for one of each] 2,000
Super Mushroom - I'll pay 1,000
Green Pipe - I'll pay 1,000
Fire Flower - I'll pay 1,000
Fire Bar - I'll pay 1,000
Cannon - I'll pay 1,000
1-Up Mushroom - I'll pay 1,000
Block floor - I'll pay 1,000
If you have all of these items I'll pay slightly more in total as it will save me time.
All in one go total payment would be: 55,000
Total profit for you would be 20,983 [done the maths so you don't have to]
Please let me know
[I'll be giving the bells IN-GAME AC:CF] Wasn't entirely sure where to post this request
Coprolite - I'll pay 1,500
T-Rex Torso - I'll pay 6,000
Tricera Torso - I'll pay 6,000
Apato Torso - I'll pay 5,000
Iguanadon tail - I'll pay 3,500
Plesio Torso - I'll pay 5,000
Seismo Skull - I'll pay 6,000
Seismo Tail - I'll pay 5,000
Golden Axe - I'll pay 1,500
Fruit [Peach, Apple, Pear and Orange] - I'll pay [for one of each] 2,000
Super Mushroom - I'll pay 1,000
Green Pipe - I'll pay 1,000
Fire Flower - I'll pay 1,000
Fire Bar - I'll pay 1,000
Cannon - I'll pay 1,000
1-Up Mushroom - I'll pay 1,000
Block floor - I'll pay 1,000
If you have all of these items I'll pay slightly more in total as it will save me time.
All in one go total payment would be: 55,000
Total profit for you would be 20,983 [done the maths so you don't have to]
Please let me know
[I'll be giving the bells IN-GAME AC:CF] Wasn't entirely sure where to post this request