Looking for your Smug Villager Recommendations

Marshal and Julian are my favorite smugs, but Henry seems pretty cute, too.

I had Lionel on my island for a long time, and though he isn't the most appealing at first, I ended up really liking him. He certainly gives off that old man trying to be classy and hip vibe... it's kind of funny.
I personally love Marshal, he has the perfect smug side eye look 😆 and I love how his little tail bounces when he walks

but I’d also recommend Julian & Colton as their interiors are insanely decorated !! Plus they’re both cute regal horses (I’d imagine they’re good friends) and totally exude that smug vibe
Personally, I'm a big Shep fan. He's just a handsome little smug sheepdog-

I'm not always a big fan of the dogs, because to me their heads often look a little... weird and heavy. But I feel like the extra hair on Shep's head evens it out somehow, lol. I have him on my island now and he's great- when he's surprised, the hair parts and you can see a single little beady eye 😂 Also, I personally love his house-

It's roof MATCHES HIS HAIR. Here's how I've got him set up on my island:
I find his house looks awesome on the beach, which some dark wood/bamboo furniture around it!
Of course if you get extraordinarily lucky Accountant Cat (Raymond) has become a favorite of mine solely because of how WEIRD he is. Of all the animals in my cursed forest he seems to be the most cursed and I love him for it. I understand if you don’t want hyper overrated villagers but I wouldn’t cross him out.
Zell and Lopez are great choices! I’d recommend Kidd, because he has a classy vibe and I really like his house! He’s very chill, haha. I currently have him on my island to match Nan. uwu
The only smugs that I’ve had in NH and/or NL are Keaton (did not like and would not move), Marshal, Tex, Graham & Raymond.

I personally would recommend the last four even though I didn’t give Graham a chance because I was mad he took up the spot I was saving for Raymond. My personal favorites are Marshal and Raymond (for obvious reasons 🥰). I love Marshal because he looks more like a cranky than a smug and those cheeks and tail are so adorable (in my opinion); his smile too is super precious ^.^. I plan on inviting him to my island eventually.

Raymond: I could care less about his popularity. I love him because he’s a cat with a unique design (then again, I think most if not all have interesting designs so i may be biased lol) and that toothy grin - it just melted my heart the first time I saw him smile. His interior looks like a lot of thought was actually put into it compared to my other villagers’ house (though it’s annoying how he keeps rotating his furniture on displayed; not sure why he does that).

Tex isn’t a favorite and I was initially mad at him too for taking up Raymond’s spot, but I gave him a chance since he came from a friend’s void. I ended up letting him stay longer so I could get his picture. ^.^ He looked adorable in the vampire outfit, tailcoat and the top hat that I gifted him and that’s how I found out how much I was missing out on not gifting my villagers clothes. He didn’t put the top hat on display either, which was really nice :).

I never had Lopez but I vouch for him as well since his design has interested me for quite some time now. :)
I'm biased but Lopez is definitely one of my fav smugs, I have him in my NL town and he's just a good, charming boi.

Marshal's great too, and very cute if that's what you're looking for! I don't recommend Curlos, his design is pretty bland.
I wanna throw another point for Phil in the mix.

My forced smug was Lucha, and I couldn't stand him. My very first nook mile island was Phil, and I couldn't pass him up. It's been confusing at times, sharing a name with one of my residents, but I think that makes it fun 😝

Also, he loves to sing and he looks good in anything that isn't the stache and glasses (biggest mistake ever lol). And his house is so sophisticated and elegant. And I love the way his eyes sparkle with his emotes.

Second place I'd suggest Graham. I had him in NL and he's adorkable. I imagine him condescendingly pushing up his glasses while boasting about himself and I love it.
Its depends on your aesthetic personally. For me I love Marshal or shep. O hare is really cool if you like bunnies
Thank you all for the suggestions and recommendations! I will definitely try cycling through all these smug bois to see which one or two (or more, lol) that I end up vibing with the most. Why must we be limited to 10 villagers?! 😆


I imagine Julian's brovado coming from a place of insecurity.

His Pocket Camp bio is:
Julian's always been a little wild and free-spirited. Hey, if you were born with a horn on your head for some inexplicable reason, you'd be an oddball too.

So his flashy superstar persona was born out of deciding to embrace his differentness!

I love Julian's ethereal design! I'd love to have him and Filbert be next-door neighbours someday. :love:

Best smug and that's all there is to it.

His :3 is super cute. I also appreciate his colourfulness without inducing my clown-phobia. 🤣

can i do the opposite of a recommendation?? an uncommendation??? do NOT get Chops i am telling u right now the Chops stans do no want to hear this but i dislike that dude!!! will never recommend him. two island resets in a ROW he was my first camper & i had to invite him. do u understand the disappointment and the defeat i felt??? 0/10 his ONLY redeeming qualities r the fact that pig villagers have rly precious ears that flop when they walk and the fact that there is inevitably someone out there who says this villager is their fav of all time.

jokes aside, looking at the 3 villagers u want to keep as permanent friends id have to say i think Kidd or Julian will go nicely with the lovely lasses. i would have recommended only one of these dudes but i think they're kinda on equal footing: they both have lovely house exteriors that can go with one of those 3 villagers nicely and they both LOOK like they'd fit in with ur villagers. id have to say i like Kidd a bit more but this is my purple bias showing so.

Hehe, I'm not a fan of Chops either because his colouring looks like a muted vomit colour (no offense to anyone who likes him). Otherwise, I might have considered him. XD

I agree that both Kidd and Julian would look nice with my current permanent villager line-up. I love the concept that Julian is a unicorn, but I am also a big fan of the colour purple, so decisions, ahhhh.

Kyle is h o t . Go with him!!!! 🤣


may be slightly biased but Rodney is my absolute fave!! he's kinda goofy and there's a lot of hate for him out there but I love him. but I also back up the Eugene and Kyle recommendations!

Rodney reminds me of the stereotypical high school kid, who over one random summer, comes back to school as a total hunk. I don't know if this is just me. XD ❤ I've also been getting a hella lot more acne as of late for whatever reason, so perhaps having Rodney around will help me feel less self-conscious about it. 😅

I'll recommend Shep no matter what. Cool hippie dog with a really nice house and he knows how to live life.

The idea of escaping everyday life to live in a log cabin away from the rest of humanity seems more and more appealing as the days go by. XD

Most recommended are Curlos, Keaton, Lucha, Tex, Phil, Graham, Colton, Jacques, Chadder, and Quillson. I hope any of these become a favorite of yours.

Too many good choices, ahhhhh.

Marshal and Julian are my favorite smugs, but Henry seems pretty cute, too.

I had Lionel on my island for a long time, and though he isn't the most appealing at first, I ended up really liking him. He certainly gives off that old man trying to be classy and hip vibe... it's kind of funny.

I just noticed Henry's double eyelids -- it's such a cute look. My S/O's forced smug was Lionel, and he definitely gives off that vibe whenever I visit. 🤣

I personally love Marshal, he has the perfect smug side eye look 😆 and I love how his little tail bounces when he walks

but I’d also recommend Julian & Colton as their interiors are insanely decorated !! Plus they’re both cute regal horses (I’d imagine they’re good friends) and totally exude that smug vibe

Yes, the squirrels are all sooo adorable with their bushy tails. 🥺 Horses are majestic af and I will probably never afford one in real life, so I may as well have them in AC. XD

Personally, I'm a big Shep fan. He's just a handsome little smug sheepdog-

I'm not always a big fan of the dogs, because to me their heads often look a little... weird and heavy. But I feel like the extra hair on Shep's head evens it out somehow, lol. I have him on my island now and he's great- when he's surprised, the hair parts and you can see a single little beady eye 😂 Also, I personally love his house-

It's roof MATCHES HIS HAIR. Here's how I've got him set up on my island:
I find his house looks awesome on the beach, which some dark wood/bamboo furniture around it!

I never realized that the roof on his house is straw to match his hair. That's amazing and such a fun little touch! 😂

Of course if you get extraordinarily lucky Accountant Cat (Raymond) has become a favorite of mine solely because of how WEIRD he is. Of all the animals in my cursed forest he seems to be the most cursed and I love him for it. I understand if you don’t want hyper overrated villagers but I wouldn’t cross him out.

Haha, Raymond is actually on my hit list nowadays whenever I go island hopping because he is my S/O's dreamy. It's a race to see which one of us finds him first! I do like his design and that he reminds me of Byakuya from Danganronpa, but I don't need anymore reminders of my 9-5 work life. 😅 Or perhaps I would relate to him more because of that... 🤔

Zell and Lopez are great choices! I’d recommend Kidd, because he has a classy vibe and I really like his house! He’s very chill, haha. I currently have him on my island to match Nan. uwu

That is super cute. 🥺 I would love to do more villager pairings, but 10 villager limitation, ahhh. *shakes fist*

The only smugs that I’ve had in NH and/or NL are Keaton (did not like and would not move), Marshal, Tex, Graham & Raymond.

I personally would recommend the last four even though I didn’t give Graham a chance because I was mad he took up the spot I was saving for Raymond. My personal favorites are Marshal and Raymond (for obvious reasons 🥰). I love Marshal because he looks more like a cranky than a smug and those cheeks and tail are so adorable (in my opinion); his smile too is super precious ^.^. I plan on inviting him to my island eventually.

Raymond: I could care less about his popularity. I love him because he’s a cat with a unique design (then again, I think most if not all have interesting designs so i may be biased lol) and that toothy grin - it just melted my heart the first time I saw him smile. His interior looks like a lot of thought was actually put into it compared to my other villagers’ house (though it’s annoying how he keeps rotating his furniture on displayed; not sure why he does that).

Tex isn’t a favorite and I was initially mad at him too for taking up Raymond’s spot, but I gave him a chance since he came from a friend’s void. I ended up letting him stay longer so I could get his picture. ^.^ He looked adorable in the vampire outfit, tailcoat and the top hat that I gifted him and that’s how I found out how much I was missing out on not gifting my villagers clothes. He didn’t put the top hat on display either, which was really nice :).

I never had Lopez but I vouch for him as well since his design has interested me for quite some time now. :)

Marshal is such a cute, fluffy marshmallow. It's really unfortunate that not everyone is just able to appreciate good character design for what it is, even if the designs don't align with their subjective tastes, and decide to hate on certain villagers and their fans for the sake of hating them.

Yes, I didn't realize that dressing up villagers could be so fun until I took the plunge today! I got clothes for Agnes, Judy, and Zell, and I'm hoping that dressing Zell up will help me click with him a bit more. XD

I'm biased but Lopez is definitely one of my fav smugs, I have him in my NL town and he's just a good, charming boi.

Marshal's great too, and very cute if that's what you're looking for! I don't recommend Curlos, his design is pretty bland.

I'll definitely still give Lopez a shot if and when I cross paths with him. He (and Zell) are both very handsome.

I'm a sucker for cuteness, so I probably wouldn't say no to Marshal if I ever run into him. :3

I wanna throw another point for Phil in the mix.

My forced smug was Lucha, and I couldn't stand him. My very first nook mile island was Phil, and I couldn't pass him up. It's been confusing at times, sharing a name with one of my residents, but I think that makes it fun 😝

Also, he loves to sing and he looks good in anything that isn't the stache and glasses (biggest mistake ever lol). And his house is so sophisticated and elegant. And I love the way his eyes sparkle with his emotes.

Second place I'd suggest Graham. I had him in NL and he's adorkable. I imagine him condescendingly pushing up his glasses while boasting about himself and I love it.

LOL, I can see why that would be confusing. XD Phil looks super fly, and he is purple to boot. I miss my boy Graham whenever someone mentions him here. 🥺

Its depends on your aesthetic personally. For me I love Marshal or shep. O hare is really cool if you like bunnies

I only liked a few of the rabbit villagers when I first started, but after seeing more in-game screenshots of them, they've really grown on me as a species. 😊

I got rid of my Shep for Raymond and he's quite cyoot. :)

My S/O will be doing that in the near or distant future, depending on how RNG works out. 😁
I really love Phil! His house is luxuriously decorated but there’s something about Phil that feels goofy to me, or more lighthearted. Like he is this sophisticated guy, but he knows he’s not above anyone else.

I had Leopold for a long time, but never really vibed with him. He became my go-to for gifting the worst clothes (lions look ridiculous in the workout top) :LOL:
I decided to give Shep a try this playthrough and he's totally worth if you're considering! Like a lot of other people are saying, he's very clever and just seems really experienced to me, like I have him wearing suits so he just comes off as a professional dapper doggo which is also why I'd recommend Lionel who's also very classy.

However, for you I recommend Julian! He might be a little hard to obtain since he is adored so much but he's just amazing. I mean a unicorn how can you deny him! His color theme would pair nicely with Judy on your island and he'd be another mythical being to compliment Phoebe!
Hans is my favourite, he's a yeti :p

Oh, I hadn't realized that he's a reference to the Abominable Snowman. :O That's super neat!

I really love Phil! His house is luxuriously decorated but there’s something about Phil that feels goofy to me, or more lighthearted. Like he is this sophisticated guy, but he knows he’s not above anyone else.

I had Leopold for a long time, but never really vibed with him. He became my go-to for gifting the worst clothes (lions look ridiculous in the workout top) :LOL:

A lot of folks here have piqued my interest in Phil! I've liked the ostriches in general for a while now, but his colouring is very unique. :>

I'd like to give Leopold a go. He reminds me of the stereotypical university professor. I'd meme'ify his catchphrase and greeting so hard, LOL.

And Kidd, I forgot him, so here he is mentioned. Why don’t people like him much?

A couple of folks have actually recommended Kidd. :3 He's one of my favourite goat villagers, and I'm a big fan of his shade of light purple. :love:

I decided to give Shep a try this playthrough and he's totally worth if you're considering! Like a lot of other people are saying, he's very clever and just seems really experienced to me, like I have him wearing suits so he just comes off as a professional dapper doggo which is also why I'd recommend Lionel who's also very classy.

However, for you I recommend Julian! He might be a little hard to obtain since he is adored so much but he's just amazing. I mean a unicorn how can you deny him! His color theme would pair nicely with Judy on your island and he'd be another mythical being to compliment Phoebe!

Hehe, Shep and Lionel are both very dapper indeed (both are residents on my S/O's island).

Julian would look very nice with Judy! Looking back, I'm now a bit sad that I let go of Bluebear a while back now -- the three of them would have looked super kyoot together. ;_;
Oh, I hadn't realized that he's a reference to the Abominable Snowman. :O That's super neat!

A lot of folks here have piqued my interest in Phil! I've liked the ostriches in general for a while now, but his colouring is very unique. :>

I'd like to give Leopold a go. He reminds me of the stereotypical university professor. I'd meme'ify his catchphrase and greeting so hard, LOL.

A couple of folks have actually recommended Kidd. :3 He's one of my favourite goat villagers, and I'm a big fan of his shade of light purple. :love:

Hehe, Shep and Lionel are both very dapper indeed (both are residents on my S/O's island).

Julian would look very nice with Judy! Looking back, I'm now a bit sad that I let go of Bluebear a while back now -- the three of them would have looked super kyoot together. ;_;
Ah I see that's nice you can visit your S/O's villagers too \(^u^)
And it's never too late to get Bluebear back but Julian will fit in just fine on you island now too!