Pyrozanryu said:
roblox said:
Nixie said:
roblox said:
Ok Pyrozanryu you obviously have an unsettled conflict with him for one reason or another,but 3 words
GET OVER IT. ? is a nice guy and you people are ruining his life,and rorato,ITS ANIMAL CROSSING FOR GOD SAKES. Seriously I may be annoying sometimes,but give the guy a break.
Hmm, this makes me thing that you may be him, or he's using you to do this... :mez:
"ITS ANIMAL CROSSING FOR GOD SAKES." So you think that it is fine that someone comes along and snatches away all that hard work that you spent doing, tricks you and in some cases, leave you with no choice but restart everything?
Don't come complaining to us if someone seed/destroys your place <_<
I don't mind hackers but I have no sympathy for town destroyers
Ok Nixie I WONT come complaining becuase I DONT play with most people,The only person I will ever play with is ?!!!
and nixie if you could hack and someone destroyed your town what would you do to them?
And going back to rorato,I was at your town and you hack too.
and yes I think it would be fine if someone came into my town and stole my stuff because of four words
Lol, chill roblox
? uses people: FACT
ask me, marlon88 and half of ACC+TBT
He thinks that hes some rightous 'freedom fighter' on ac,
Lol get your facts straight before arguing n00b
Plus ? and me were really good friends, you prob saw me (Yuki).
If you did you would understand lol
I've heard all about you yuki.
You threatend to hack HIM through tbt:FACT
You made him mad and got marlon ANOTHER HACKER:FACT
And Erin yet again Another hacker:FACT
To be your "bodyguards" so to speak.
but yet you said
So what are you saying? the people/hackers who defend you you should trust even though they have hacked many peoples towns?
they are just the "rocks/walls"in the way of getting to you.
So you should think about that before you go posting hate for him in another topic.