• The Bell Tree Fair 2024's closing ceremony is finally here! Event results, TBTer drawings, collectible reveal, quiz answers, art, stories, raffles, and more. You can find the six-part thread in the Bulletin Board! Thank you, everyone, for making our TBT birthday celebration so special!

Looks like we'll be seeing english videos/reviews very soon [PIC]


Senior Member
Apr 5, 2013
Throwback Tickets
I actively lurk/post in an Animal Crossing General thread in /vg/ and someone reported that people on Twitter are actively downloading the English version of the game. I'm assuming that these are the press/review copies of the game, like the ones WiiFolderJosh mentioned in his last Animal Crossing video. So, from this pic, it looks like the game will be 6002 blocks.


One guy who also claimed that he's downloading the game is apparently an editor of Nintendo Life, so this makes sense. His recent feed has all of the info I'm talking about:

Anyone excited? I'm feeling slightly jealous right now. T___T
Yup, the early copies went out today! Prepare for the mass complaining on these forums...

It's exciting though, we're in the final stretch now. The game is done!

EDIT: Let me preface this thread now before anything starts, if it devolves into another thread complaining about WiiFolderJosh or other early players just because they have the game, it's getting locked.
I am extremely excited and jealous, considering that I came close to throwing my 3DS across the sofa mid Luigi's Mansion boss fight. 37 days in the morning and all I want is to play it already >.<. So now I'm keeping myself far far far away from any English info until 11am, June 9th.
/sigh.. nintendo -.-
I'm seriously sitting here with my 3DS XL charger just looking at me. I ordered the bundle and charger combo from GAME and the charger came yesterday. Everything feels a lot more real now, I'm gonna squee so hard once I get my 3DS. T UT

I'm also going to try and avoid the English videos like the plague tbh. Not because it'd make me rage (too mellow for that, lol) but I really don't want to spoil anything for myself (even though I've been lurking tumblrs/watched videos and whatever else). Not understanding Japanese means that things that I love the most, (villager AI/dialogue) is still pretty much completely new to me. I just can't wait~! T uT

Apparently Jennifer from Sosostris (another blog covering the Japanese release) got her early copy tonight, too.


Side-note: english digital release confirmed at 6002 blocks.

Yeah, that's where I nabbed the picture from. > u<
Ah, sorry, didn't even notice there was a picture, just saw the topic title, but not her name, figured I'd spread further confirmation.
Ugh, the wait for New Leaf is killing me. I haven't been this excited about a handheld game in a long time. I like the AC series because it's ultimately a relaxing game to play; no bosses to worry about beating, or any goals to meet other than ones you set yourself to, you can do what you want and play at your own pace.

I just wish NoA would stop lazing about and tell those of us in the US if we are getting pre-order bonuses or not and get the US website up.
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Ah, sorry, didn't even notice there was a picture, just saw the topic title, but not her name, figured I'd spread further confirmation.

No need to apologise, I was slightly flustered when I heard this info so I wanted to post a thread about it just in case others didn't know this. I should've really credited her as well, so thanks for providing that bit of information. <3
Wheeeeeee this is SO exciting. Can't wait to see how the English game turned out.

Josh from the Bit Block has a few pics posted on his twitter already. This is really happening! I still haven't fully let it sunk in that we are getting this game in a month.
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Wheeeeeee this is SO exciting. Can't wait to see how the English game turned out.

Josh from the Bit Block has a few pics posted on his twitter already. This is really happening! I still haven't fully let it sunk in that we are getting this game in a month.

Me neither, I'm kinda shocked how hyped I am for a game about... chillin'.
Huh. The game really is coming pretty fast, isn't it? I'm pretty excited. It's going to be weird to have my copy in my hand when it finally becomes the 9th. I'm happy though, having the release date really made the waiting easier for me. I'm not going to watch any of the English videos because I want to experience the dialogue for myself. However, It's nice to know the game is done and ready to be played.
Breathe..breathe. I just have to breathe. It makes me mad they get it this much earlier. I know they're "press", but still.

That is all.
Hm? 6002 blocks for the English version? Never knew it took like 350 more than my Japanese one does (which is around 5,655 blocks). I believe that international versions are taking up more space because of other languages being thrown in.

This also seems to suggest that the fixes from the JPN v1.1 patch aren't embedded in the game yet. But then, localizers and debuggers the localization team and the debuggers might added them directly to the game itself.
If you guys can clip through a wall inside your house by doing a certain glitch on your English copy, then let us know!
people on tumblr thought i wa getting the game early #awkies

tbh this doesn't make me more excited or anything. All I really care about is localized terms
...weeps. The time has come.
I had no idea Jennifer (sosostris) was getting an early copy as well. I'm going to try avoiding any video footage from the EU/NA versions until June 9th. :|