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Cycling ♠ Lunavair Cycling ♠ [Boxes: -- // Moved in: Kiki and Tammy]

Stiches is a Dreamie of mine. May I have him?

"by the moonlight"
Limberg was autovoided since he had no lurkers.
Kiki and Tammy have moved in and are not up for adoption.
(I'll go back to never voiding a villager once the 0/16 count on the first page is at 16/16 and my dreamies have been moved back to my main town)

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Ankha is moving. Waiting on nix to pick her back up.
Ankha's my final dreamie. If she doesn't get picked up, may I please adopt her?
Ankha's my final dreamie. If she doesn't get picked up, may I please adopt her?

Umm, just saying, but Ayrri was holding her for the person as they reset their town :p

Also, was not trying to be mean or anything, I was just informing. You were not at all rude, you just did not know. Sorry this came out being mean to anybody, I do not try to make it >.<
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Okay, I didn't know that, so I thought I'd ask. I didn't mean anything rude by it. I'm mostly just upset that my neighbor Sprinkle decided to move without telling me, and I want a new neighbor to move in now...
"Please remember that cyclers are doing this out of their free time, and are in no way obligated to give you any villager. Respect this, be polite, and read each individual's rules. Everyone has their own way of doing things, and it's important to think about that." -- Juudai
100% approve.
I never imagined I'd be quoted, but I'm glad.
Sorry to see you ran into a little trouble earlier, but I've gotta say that personally I don't think you have "too many" rules at all. It's really disheartening when people can't be bothered to read a first post in its entirety, especially when you're giving up so much of your own free time to make others happy. At the very least, a rule in red should take enough attention.
But anyhow, all that aside,
props to you, & I hope the cycling gets better. Stick to your rules like you have been.☆ Your thread; doesn't matter what anyone else says.
Also, luck to all your lurkers. Hope you're able to find the cutie villagers you're looking for, but definitely remember to read each cycler's rules carefully.<3
*as an edit, it's fine not to reply to this. I don't want to get your thread off-track or anything like that. Just wanted to post this little bit.
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Okay, I didn't know that, so I thought I'd ask. I didn't mean anything rude by it. I'm mostly just upset that my neighbor Sprinkle decided to move without telling me, and I want a new neighbor to move in now...

Don't worry, I always say it never hurts to ask but there were two problems. First was that you didn't put the secret phrase to show you read the rules, that's the most important one. If you had, I may have let you adopt her...if the second problem didn't exist, which is that she wasn't mine. She wasn't a reserve that I cycle up, she was a villager I was simply holding for someone else, that this someone paid 24 million bells for, so of course I would give her back to them no matter how long I needed to wait! (Which actually wasn't very long at all, I just forgot to come back and post on this thread).

Sorry, and better luck in the future!

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Lurking for Muffy! :D
