Lurker or talker?

Lurk or Talk

  • Talker

    Votes: 80 39.2%
  • Lurker

    Votes: 124 60.8%

  • Total voters
I'm a little bit of both but I used to be a hardcore lurker, now that I'm older though I find myself more comfortable with talking, so much that even though I still am a bit of both, I find that I'm leaning towards being more of a talker nowadays which for me is a good thing! I was always such a shy kid that now that i'm able to be more extroverted than and introvert, I love just being able to feel free and just talk comfortably.
talker!! at least online or with social media. like if i friend someone or follow someone i usually say hi right off the bat (if that counts). irl if theres a debate or fight or something i usually stay out of it or 'lurk' unless i know my stuff. would that mean a little of both?
Bit of both, but I think mostly a talker, I like to contribute and talk with folks and share my opinions so I usually post. But I also love reading through threads even if I am not intending on posting on.
Both I guess. I tend to reply to those I'm interested in and can make a good post of but yeah if it's random fandom or stuff I don't know about I usually just lurk.
I'm a lurker. I wish I could be a talker, but I'm pretty shy and can never come up with anything good to say.
*When you didnt realize your the top poster of the day* LMAO
I'm most a lurker, like I lurk about 80% of the time. I have to be a good, talking mood to be able to post things. Or I just have to have enough time to talk, which most times I don't. I lurk here a lot during classes, so if you see me online that's probably what I'm doing lmao
I mostly lurk but I guess I talk more often when there's something big being posted about. Otherwise I don't have much to say.
IRL I lurk more, since I'm super shy. But on TBT, I really can't shut up lol.
i use to be a lurker for around 6 months before i joined
when i did join i participated a lot but now im more of a lurker again
i feel like i don't know enough on most of the topics so i usually dont post
I am sort of a lurker, but I talk on some threads occasionally. depends if I want to give my input or not, but I'm scared people are lurking on MY profile and looking at what I'm lurking on ! lol
I usually try to be active when I'm playing the game but have been traveling on my bicycle for the past few months and didn't bring my DS with me. I will be going to Asia later this year and will make sure I have my console with me then, so until that happens I'm on a hiatus.
I'm a talker, always. I'm the type of person who likes to talk to strangers or who likes to get to know people, I'm extremely extroverted
I'm more of a lurker when it comes to serious or personal discussion topics, but I do enjoy participating in the light-hearted threads such as the forum games, & little questions like "Whats your favorite chocolate?" Lol.