I’ll respond to threads if I feel like I can contribute. However, my posts are usually long and they kind of ramble sometimes due to me being a natural talker. I sometimes talk too much and I’ve been called “chatterbox” at some of my jobs. It wasn’t a bad thing because the jobs don’t usually care as long as you’re working, but sometimes I get a bit carried away and talk more than work. I’ve gotten better at self control though and I am a good worker when I want to be. I’m not much of a lurker anymore.
I’m a talker. Lately I haven’t found a lot I could contribute to but I do try when I can. I really enjoy the discussions here ; I have made quite a few friends from just participating in the threads.
The art threads, I am a lurker. I do sometimes tell the artists how much I like their art, but I am still a bit shy posting since I don’t want to mess up their thread if they are just posting to provide a place for all their art so people can look at them before buying, and I am not rich in tbt so if I say something is good i would feel bad not commissioning. i know that is silly thinking on my part, but I feel a bit awkward posting in art threads (even when I’m having something commissioned).
On this site I talk more since I like earning TBT and enjoy the community itself. With the rest of Internet I’m too afraid of being harassed to actually post anything.
I’m more of a lurker. I’m on this site for several hours a day just reading through random threads, but I rarely comment. I have a lot of anxiety and I think that no one cares what I have to say. I’m the same way with other forums that I’ve joined and I’ve been lurking on reddit for years but never made an account.
I see that I voted in this poll years ago and chose the option of lurker and then never commented, lol. I'm a lot more chatty and involved in the community now than I was when I initially joined! I think technically I joined in 2014 and I might've had little blips here and there of being mildly active but I mainly stuck to the New Leaf forums.
When New Horizons released I came back to the site and initially I was sticking to the New Horizons forum but I've also started branching out! I don't comment tons in the basement as I feel like that part of the forum moves really quick which can be a bit nerve wracking, lol. But I like Brewster's Cafe, the museum, the other two gaming related threads, and of course the general New Horizons thread.
I've also started participating in site events! That's probably the biggest change and it's still something I fight with myself a little over. I haven't participated in every event and it's especially challenging when it's an art event or writing event of some kind and everybody can see what I've worked on. My anxiety really flares up in those situations but I've been trying to push myself to participate a little more.
I'm usually lurking, because I'm socially really awkward. I like answering questions currently on this forum, but besides that I prefer to lurk. I don't think I have ever been so active on any other website than here. Somehow I just feel a lot more comfortable here than anywhere else!
I was always a lurker as I felt too nervous to post. Then I became a deleter as I wanted to get involved and would post, read back my reply, think I was an idiot to post such rubbish so would delete
I am getting better and now I am sure some people wish that I would shut up Everyone is so lovely and I have amazing friends who put up with me so I am very lucky and grateful
I was a lurker for awhile, due to just not feeling like I had anything important to say. (And my anxiety)
But, I’d consider myself more of a talker nowadays. I’ll always post in the basement/brewsters if I feel like I’m somewhat confident in my answer.
I’m glad I started to talk more, there’s so many amazing people here that I’ve met!
i lurk. usually i can't find the right timing to chime in or end up chiming in at the wrong time and not getting a response. i take it a bit hard when that happens so i tend to avoid talking at all.