Lurker turned member? 😱

Heya, welcome to the site! Glad to have you here regardless of activity. I hope you enjoy everything TBT has to offer! 💚
Welcome to Bell Tree Forums! 🙂 Not sure why you’re apologizing since there is no rule about activity. Many of us need to take breaks from here now and then, so don’t worry about that and have fun. I do recommend checking the rules out since a lot of them are easy to break like the mini modding one 😅.
Welcome to TBT! I'm happy you decided to make an account! I hope you enjoy your time here regardless of how active you are! ☺️

Which Animal Crossing game(s) have you played? Are you playing any currently?
Welcome to the site! I know everyone else has said it but it’s totally okay even if you’re not super active. Who are your favorite AC villagers?
Thank you all for the warm welcome! I really appreciate all of you saying hi.

Welcome to TBT! I'm happy you decided to make an account! I hope you enjoy your time here regardless of how active you are! ☺️

Which Animal Crossing game(s) have you played? Are you playing any currently?
I've only played Animal Crossing: New Leaf. I've been playing it since around the time it came out in 2012.
Welcome to the site! I know everyone else has said it but it’s totally okay even if you’re not super active. Who are your favorite AC villagers?
My favourite Animal Crossing villager is Marcie. She's very sweet and cute.
Hello and welcome! What’s your favorite AC game?
My favourite game would have to be the only one I've played, so New Leaf. I'm contemplating getting a Switch to play New Horizons, but since the Switch 2 is coming out soon I'll probably wait a bit.
Welcome to the forums! How long have you been lurking here? 😊

What games are you into? ✨
I've been lurking here for a few months now. I like calm games, like Animal Crossing and New Art Academy.
Welcome to the forums! I like that there are so many names we can refer to you as. I must ask you something then, Beep.

Are you a sheep?
If only. The life of a sheep seems very pleasant lol.