I downloaded it to give it a try but I am not really a fan? Really repetitive so yeah... not my jam, BUT it did get me back into Pokemon Go so I thank it for that.
I agree. It is somewhat repetitive, but for some reason, I'm quite addicted to it. I never thought I would enjoy it so much. I also think the game is really cute, in terms of the art style, etc.
To be honest it's a really dumb game...but that being said I think I'm addicted and actually love it a lot I like the idea of getting different patterns of Magikarp and getting to name them
i love it so much but building it from lvl one angers me especially once you get to level 20. a lot of diamond wasting.
but other than that, i absolutely LOVE how you can name them and the different scenarios that can happen, and also battling is actually pretty fun the first time around, like if i win i start going a lil crazy, like saying "YEAH BOI SIT DOWN MY MAGIKARP IS BETTER SIT THE **** DOWN" out loud. i don't know something about the game really excites me, maybe because i think it's hilarious how my second magikarp, named 2, was snatched by a pidgeotto, or that i name all my magikarp their generations. currently on magikarp 6
I agree that the artwork is adorable, but I just couldn't play it longer than a day because it was repetitive. It is both hilarious and horrible that Pidgeotto comes and takes them though. All that work... for nothing.
It's stupid and boring and has about as much gameplay as Neko Atsume, but damn if I'm not actually attached to the dumb fish I'm raising. It is kind of a chore to go through leagues, burn through too many Magikarps just trying to clear one. I actually hope some of these patterns make it into the mainline games, a little variety like that would be sweet.
I absolutely adore the art style and love Magikarp but the game got really tedious and repetitive fast. So I uninstalled it after maybe an hour of playing.
I thought the idea of the Magikarp patterns were cool though! I would love to see more of them in the future.
Honestly I lowkey would like to see the Magikarp patterns implemented into the main-series games. It's probably not going to happen but it would make for some interesting things. Imagine if they did it the same way they did the Vivillon patterns. We'd get another international GTS trade hype thing.
The game is repetitive, yeah, but the art style is great, the music is fun and it's actually interesting enough for me to open the app every few hours to try and beat that gosh darn Great League. (I am so close. ; . ; )
Not exactly on-topic anymore, but the Magikarp song is something I really like too. Would love to actually cover it.