Make A Wish (Only for it to be corrupted in the next post)

Granted, but it's the last remake they make.

Uhh... i wish I had a Russian blue cat! x3

As long as they made the 3D Gen 2 remake i don't need anymore remakes

Granted but then it breaks after one day

I wish...I had more TBT to buy art with
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Granted! But the person who gave you more TBT was actually a hacker who is planning on moving everything in your house 5 inches to the left when you are away.

I wish cats didn't exist. (or cat allergies at least)
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Granted, but now there is no difference between earth and hell (i love cats, sorry for ur allergies)

I wish I was a math genius
Granted, but now you can't figure out the simplest thing in any other subject.

I wish I wasn't afraid to go out andd get a job XD
Granted, but they fire you after the first day.

I wish I was acne-free
Granted, but it becomes super bad it's a blizzard.

I wish I had wavy hair
Granted, but the cookie falls into the milk and you can't get it out. otl I hate when that happens

*Cough* *Cough*
That happens way too much to me. lol

Granted! But it becomes so wavy, it instantly becomes tangled and it's impossible to brush!

I wish I could fly.
pffft ironically that wavy hair wish is a thing for me

Granted, but with your new ability you lost the power to use your legs *LE GASP* D8
I wish for streetpasses xD
Granted, but you get them 24/7 and they never stop coming

I wish I was a unicorn
Granted, but you are placed in a small cage for scientific observation.

I wish cigarettes didn't exist.
Granted... but... um...
I'm not sure I want to corrupt this one. lol

Ah.. well. Granted, but people start smoking bubble soap instead.
Gahhh, I don't knoww. ;v;

I wish I didn't have joint problems with my knee and wrist.
Granted. But you need someone else's heart...
I wish I was energetic enough to get off my bed and do something.
Granted, but you choke on that apple.

I wish Kurt Cobain wasn't dead.