Mafia Make Mafia Grate Again! Game Over! Town wins!

a bit of ISO-ing i did for Heyden...

inkling is probs emotional scummy townie again :/

@Panda, I don't think Ness would give up if he was scum...

Note: this is when Xine very first started sus Inkling.
What does "Scummy townie" mean ? do you mean "dumb town" or are you trying to say she's scum with a possibility of being town ? this confused me ?

I like the change of gamestyle Panda, props to you. I should probably do some reads on everyone but I can't be bothered to right now haha

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I might do it know because we all know I love colour coding ;)

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most of the game you've been refusing to make reads just like Daniel did D1 (i know everyone has irl stuff) but we are all on here enough (s*** posting, lurking, conversing) to make a reads post (even if its a rubbish one), but then he says "I might " cause he knows i'd snap question if he refuses.

actually I might wait until the end of the day, depending on the lynch since we don't really have a basis at the moment.

why do you want to wait on the lynch ? the whole point of it was to get to know your reads and intentions before that, so its unbiased to what information we get to see from the lynch. duh! and then you go and post this

If anyone wants the base it's here, I'll do it later when I have a better read on everyone.

[SIZE=1][B][COLOR="#808080"]Null[/COLOR]|[COLOR="#008000"]Townread[/COLOR]|[COLOR="#00FF00"]Townlean[/COLOR][COLOR="#0000FF"][/COLOR]|[COLOR="#FFD700"]Slight Sus[/COLOR]|[COLOR="#FF8C00"]High Sus[/COLOR]|[COLOR="#FF0000"]Scum[/COLOR][/B]
Call me Daniel
Mother of all llamas

This is basically the same thing as pushing/ waiting for town to make reads so you can piggy back us without making any real ones for yourself... if you went through the trouble of making that for everyone else why didnt you just color code the peeps and make a read yourself and be helpful?

Don't rely on others to do things and get it done yourself. If anything you should be trying to scumhunt as much as you can since you're doomed anyway.

Aron said he was getting frustrated about the inactives and you responded with that but you're one to speak... you literally have done nothing towards making reads/helping town at this point, so why are you trying to boss around the other players to do so ?

Anyway yeah, we have a little over 12 hours left I think to decide on a lynch and we've barely gotten anywhere due to the past events... No lynch isn't an option so if we really can't deicde, maybe Honey since they did bring up QuickTopics a lot unless she's mason or something.

Oh? I thought Dolby said he was replacing the 2...

These two post show that you knew the 2 roles were going to be replaced with hopefully strong helpful players and you still wanted to lynch them without them being here to neither help us nor defend themselves, besides they were trolls so why would you want to even bother with that at that point, there was still plenty of time left in the D1 to get a successful lynch (example: Xine vs Inkling).

Oh yea right ummmm
yeah yeah I'll elaborate tomorrow and my reasonings. Don't take into account for these reads yet thought since I'll be missing out on most if not the rest of the day. God bless there's night talk this time round.

I'm finished reading mostly pointless spam, gotta have breakfast and I'll contribute as I go, BTW I take back my scumreads on Cad and Daniel.

@Panda, I haven't posted reads yet.

First you say Daniel is scum but then you took it back... any reason why ? you've never explained yourself for this... also in those quotes you promise to make reads but then AGAIN you don't and procrastinate on forming any real opinion/reads on others for us to better understand your thinking towards the other players in the game. you come off as you don't want to scum hunt/read anyone so why would we believe you to be town ?

Looking forward to see some reads from you.

ANOTER post of you pushing/waiting for reads with no sign of you even wanting to do any yourself, even after sating you were going to.

NOTE: im not going to pull anymore of these, theres so many this post would be days long.

Hahahaha... KP is 2 now this is good, gonna read on Inklings posts and see what I can get out of it.

you seemed absolutely sure of the KP after the Inkling lynch, how come ? there was never a question in your mind that mafia might have 4-6 members and that the kp could be 2-3 still then, before we saw NK's ?

I have a feeling that some of the players that are inactive are new members of the scum team like ClamEatsCurry, Cadbberry and Kevinnn. I'm not saying you are scum but I'm leaning that way.

Solely because they are inactive? You honestly need to elaborate more than just pulling names out of a hat.

It's not wrong to think new scum is lurking so why would you slam down Tardis's contribution? maybe you're scum mates are hiding in the inactives? and again bossing other players to elaborate/contribute when you refuse to even look in a certain direction for scum on your own, then you contradict yourself with this...

I'm gonna have to agree with Toad here. I'm pretty sure at least one person on the mafia team is new/lurky so I'm pretty sure there's one in Tardis/Clam. I don't think it would be Tardis since he's mkstly bringing up scenarios and doesn't seem scummy. Clams case on me was pretty weak and it seem like she was pulling things out of nowhere. I'm voting Clam.

My main problem with Heyden is his constant pressure of especially the less experienced players to contribute when he is doing nothing of the sort in return, and on several accusation agreed to make post for us in the future but never delivers any reads, the most we got out of him was a little color coding action, he wants to wait for lynch, night kill information each time he is asked to contribute, so seems pretty unhelpful the majority of the time. Not to mean the recent asking for PR to claim "cause it'd be best if we knew were the kills came from" where imo it's pretty obvious where the kills came from, what information are you gonna gain from knowing who Vig shot atm ?
legal Mexican

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*it just checked again it's legal immigrant

Ok in reply to this, this looks a lot like town. I had a general thoughts post that I was working on, but heres just the front part of it since I put it off for a bit.

General Thoughts #2 (W.I.P.)

Alright so to start this off, we need to know that the huge wall of text that Daniel left for us AKA His reads list. Just a note to all of you who don't know this, just because someone makes a huge wall of text like that, doesn't mean you should take it for a grain of salt and let him slip by. People often mistake huge posts like that as "puting in effort" and don't take the time to analyze the whole thing and figure things out. So yeah, thought i'd through that in beforehand. Now, to the thoughts.

Right now I actually have Crys down as town, since it seemed like Daniel really wanted her dead. Also, take a look at this post he made when he was scum in my recent micro game. He full out goes onto Jacob here, pay close attention to some of his points. You can see familiaritys in this post and his "case" on crys.

I'm making this case on my phone, expect typos.
Reasons why Jacob is a terrorist:
A letter by Daniel A. Scummington

Not sure why you said this, we don't have Role names. This is even before Ness added the joke deaths, so this just really makes no sense. I just see it as a bad fake claim. Ness:When in reality it was a jokepost.

He completely disregarded Sarasa's suspicions on him

First of all, in a game where majority takes very few votes, why don't you care about being voted for? Just seems like you're laughing off any suspicions about you. Ness: This is BS of the highest caliber.

Then, I don't understand where you got this read in Hayden. You didn't voice you're reasoning for the other lynch options, but you claim Heyden claims Mafia which I have never seen before. You're reasoning is really flawed. And you vote for him when HE DOES CLAIM TERRORIST ANYWAYS. Very hypocritical. Ness: Mmm yes because you always need to include these short little points here,

This statements really makes 0 sense. It seems like you don't care about who is lynched or who is shot, as it appears you are statistically justifying that you'll hit scum anyways. When though we're at the point were its MYLO now. If we all shot, it's very likely scum would have won or drawed.

Again this is the flawed "We should all shoot" logic. And then he says he won't shoot if explicitly SarasaKat tells him not to. Even though I said not too, she did, and mostly everyone agreed to. Why just Sarasa, was Minties or Dolby not experienced like her? Even if you are town, it's very likely you did in fact shoot, so you completely went back on what you said here.

Again with this really weird we should all shoot philosophy, it's like you didn't even consider the possibility that the vigs will most likely shoot town. This I don't care attitude toward the game is very anti town.

And finally, the silence and lurking after it all. Fits right in with Scum Jacob meta Ness: YET HE DOESN'T PROVIDE ANY META BOY.

Now, look at his points on Crys. Jacob was town when he made this case on him, so go read his points on Crys HERE and come back. You can see some of his snarky comments at the end of some of his sentences. Whenever Daniel is scum, he always leaves a scumm case on someone who is town. He may have started to do it less, as this time he just left breadcrumbs. He does this every game he is scum. I guarantee it, its simply in his scum meta.
-also im sorry i was thinking of putting it in a spoiler, to save space, but i don't like when others do that, so i decided not to.
a bit of ISO-ing i did for Heyden...

Note: this is when Xine very first started sus Inkling.
What does "Scummy townie" mean ? do you mean "dumb town" or are you trying to say she's scum with a possibility of being town ? this confused me ?
Last game she was highly accused of scum even though she was town, so I was assuming her playstyle was going to be similar this time round again. It was more a joke than an actual thought but take it as you will.

most of the game you've been refusing to make reads just like Daniel did D1 (i know everyone has irl stuff) but we are all on here enough (s*** posting, lurking, conversing) to make a reads post (even if its a rubbish one), but then he says "I might " cause he knows i'd snap question if he refuses.

why do you want to wait on the lynch ? the whole point of it was to get to know your reads and intentions before that, so its unbiased to what information we get to see from the lynch. duh! and then you go and post this
I didn't end up voting day 1 because majority was reached, I haven't posted in-depth reads because I don't have as much time with school starting again tomorrow.

This is basically the same thing as pushing/ waiting for town to make reads so you can piggy back us without making any real ones for yourself... if you went through the trouble of making that for everyone else why didnt you just color code the peeps and make a read yourself and be helpful?
I did colour code my own list a while after, just not in-depth reads because I don't have as much time as I hope I would.

Aron said he was getting frustrated about the inactives and you responded with that but you're one to speak... you literally have done nothing towards making reads/helping town at this point, so why are you trying to boss around the other players to do so ?
I'm not really inactive, just not helpful lmao

These two post show that you knew the 2 roles were going to be replaced with hopefully strong helpful players and you still wanted to lynch them without them being here to neither help us nor defend themselves, besides they were trolls so why would you want to even bother with that at that point, there was still plenty of time left in the D1 to get a successful lynch (example: Xine vs Inkling).
That was early into the game, of course my opinions have changed now because I love Ayaya, Luca and Tina <3

First you say Daniel is scum but then you took it back... any reason why ? you've never explained yourself for this... also in those quotes you promise to make reads but then AGAIN you don't and procrastinate on forming any real opinion/reads on others for us to better understand your thinking towards the other players in the game. you come off as you don't want to scum hunt/read anyone so why would we believe you to be town ?
I should claim shouldn't I?

ANOTER post of you pushing/waiting for reads with no sign of you even wanting to do any yourself, even after sating you were going to.

NOTE: im not going to pull anymore of these, theres so many this post would be days long.

you seemed absolutely sure of the KP after the Inkling lynch, how come ? there was never a question in your mind that mafia might have 4-6 members and that the kp could be 2-3 still then, before we saw NK's ?
It just made sense for there to be only 2KP, 6 mafia would be so scumsided, 3 would be townsided, it would've been 4 or 5.

It's not wrong to think new scum is lurking so why would you slam down Tardis's contribution? maybe you're scum mates are hiding in the inactives? and again bossing other players to elaborate/contribute when you refuse to even look in a certain direction for scum on your own, then you contradict yourself with this...
Like who may I ask?

My main problem with Heyden is his constant pressure of especially the less experienced players to contribute when he is doing nothing of the sort in return, and on several accusation agreed to make post for us in the future but never delivers any reads, the most we got out of him was a little color coding action, he wants to wait for lynch, night kill information each time he is asked to contribute, so seems pretty unhelpful the majority of the time. Not to mean the recent asking for PR to claim "cause it'd be best if we knew were the kills came from" where imo it's pretty obvious where the kills came from, what information are you gonna gain from knowing who Vig shot atm ?
hope i formatted correctly, replies in bold

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@Ness, Daniel is dead, I don't see the point on posting something on him though?
Heyden said:
@Ness, Daniel is dead, I don't see the point on posting something on him though?

I legit think you actually just skimmed that post instead of reading it. Its explaining a townread on crys you big dumbo.
I don't see why it needed a case, to me it was pretty clear he wasn't lying? meh

Its just part of the General thoughts post i said i was working on. I just wanted to post it in response to Crys' role claim, since it was the reason i had Crys down as town. Thats all bby <3
Ness, thanks for letting me know. I am glad you told me that before I began to assess further.

I agree with your Crys read, as I stated in the post I posted three times in case anyone missed it (;
It seems obvious Crys was going to be Daniels D2 push that he was setting up the frameworks for. However, instead of your townreads, I'm much more interested to hear your scumreads.
Also heyden please don't claim unless you're voted up for lynch ty

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Ness, thanks for letting me know. I am glad you told me that before I began to assess further.

I agree with your Crys read, as I stated in the post I posted three times in case anyone missed it (;
It seems obvious Crys was going to be Daniels D2 push that he was setting up the frameworks for. However, instead of your townreads, I'm much more interested to hear your scumreads.

I'll finish them later, since i need to go finish my homework right now. Earlier I said that I wanted an Alexi/heyden lynch earlier today. I kind of wanted a heyden lynch, but tbh i mostly just said that to see how he'd react. The Alexi lynch is actually in my thoughts right now.

I'll go into more detail later, but i mostly want an Alexi lynch today.
Also heyden please don't claim unless you're voted up for lynch ty

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I'll finish them later, since i need to go finish my homework right now. Earlier I said that I wanted an Alexi/heyden lynch earlier today. I kind of wanted a heyden lynch, but tbh i mostly just said that to see how he'd react. The Alexi lynch is actually in my thoughts right now.

I'll go into more detail later, but i mostly want an Alexi lynch today.
I don't trust a Serial Killers opinion, maybe flimsy doctors will
@Heyden; you replied to panda's read on you, but not mine?

Can I ask why you are being reckless/spammy & not as serious as you usually are?
I don't trust a Serial Killers opinion, maybe flimsy doctors will

Pardon me but why exactly do you think i'm an SK? Is it just because the most predominate player mentioned the possibility of me being one?
i have to get the f*** a way from the laptop go run some errands ill be back a little later, im looking forwards to Xine's reasoning for suspecting Ness as SK, might help explain why I was so sus of him earlier.
ok my gut instinct is telling me that Taesaek is the serial killer.... there isn't terribly much behind it, but its just what I think. I haven't been in a game with a serial killer though, sooooo! But Taesaek is way more quiet this game and they would want to be quiet if they had to sneakily kill everyone, not to mention everyone is town reading them on the very little they have contributed
huy guys.
Reason for voting me ?
ok my gut instinct is telling me that Taesaek is the serial killer.... there isn't terribly much behind it, but its just what I think. I haven't been in a game with a serial killer though, sooooo! But Taesaek is way more quiet this game and they would want to be quiet if they had to sneakily kill everyone, not to mention everyone is town reading them on the very little they have contributed

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i don't think Heyden is usually serious lol

i thought he was in BoI and tarot.. maybe I'm just imagining things. I'll have to go back to those games and look through his posts