Making a custom villager.

luigie96 said:
hehe.i cant tell u what im heheing about.
AverageSean said:
Know what would be cool if you hacked it to make it look like a person like a boy or a girl
Naw, that's boring.

Also, I think they meant hacked items, of which I would never do.

This is villager hacking.

Also, this has nothing to do with the Homebrew channel. It's a seperate program that edits the saved file. I always keep a backup save just in case.
gerardo781 said:
Tyeforce said:
hacking_fun said:
None of my villagers moved yet... (Well... I think Orbit may have...)

But, since other people have been doing this ever since November 2008...
Some other villagers (possibly worse than mine) have already been released by others...

Sorry if this news frightens you... Just warning you...
That doesn't mean you should contribute to it, too. I understand that you think hacking is cool and all (I don't blame you), but that's just too much. Hacking to get a full catalog or infinite Bells is one thing, but making your own's just wrong. If you did it on a game that's never gonna be played with online, it's not hurting anything. But if these...creations...get spread all over wi-fi...what do you think will happen? People will go crazy, maybe some save data will get corrupted, Nintendo will get flooded with e-mails... Maybe we'll lose wi-fi again. Or maybe nothing bad will happen. Still...if I were you, I'd stop before anything bad happens.
wow i totally agree. just imagine it dude. wow. i would never hack or create animal villagers.
I don't know what the big deal is. I'm replacing Rod. I hate him.

1) There are already too many Jocks.
2) He put his damn house in the middle of my orchard.
3) If I wanted to see a pirate, I wouldv'e gone on the bus.
I just don't want this game ruined for everyone... If you're hacking AND playing online, it'll spread... Some people don't want to have hacked villagers in their town. Some people would rather play the game like Nintendo made it.
SpikeHawk said:
I will pm you if I think of more ideas if this gets locked.

Do you have a hack for changing their name?

I suggest making ratchet.

Are you using the HomeBrew channel?
Yea, anotha brotha like me liek Ratchet & Clank =)

I woudl also suggest Ratchet or Clank
BESTEST IDEA EV4R ....................................................................................................................................................
Master Crash said:
You got any Screenshots?
Not right now.
But I will probably make a video of my (guesstimate) horrible Pikachu.

I just finished all of the eye animations.
lol Chuck Norris slammed a revolving door
Tyeforce said:
I just don't want this game ruined for everyone... If you're hacking AND playing online, it'll spread... Some people don't want to have hacked villagers in their town. Some people would rather play the game like Nintendo made it.
Most codes don't spread and if they do it's temporary and I'm pretty sure this is texture hacking which means only the person with the texture hacks would be able to see them online.
Hippochinfat said:
Tyeforce said:
I just don't want this game ruined for everyone... If you're hacking AND playing online, it'll spread... Some people don't want to have hacked villagers in their town. Some people would rather play the game like Nintendo made it.
Most codes don't spread and if they do it's temporary and I'm pretty sure this is texture hacking which means only the person with the texture hacks would be able to see them online.
that would make sense unless he developed a new code
I haven't heard of anyone getting these over wifi yet and even so I'm pretty sure Nintendo would be all over it with some sort of DLC that would restore character's textures and personalities to a saved game.