Back from 3 year hiatus
Yeah, so making a song called "Untangle Your Brain"
Was inspired by Money Hunter, so I need YOUR help to make the lyrics.
Yep, it's gonna be one of those crazy song things.
Let's get to the rules ~
* 2 lines included are, "Untangle your brain, Kain. Get that dirty mind, and throw it out that window pane"
* One - two lines a post, can post more than once, but can't be merged.
* NO bad words and crap, I know I say them, but not up to singing them xD
* BE CREATIVE, I want some cool stuff to sing xD
* Can also include how I should sing it (Chipmunks, death metal [ xD ], auto-tune, funk, classical, opera, etc)
* Not all posts will be included, and they won't be in the order they're posted.
I'll give this til tomorrow or something, then get it done and post the song!
Submit your lyrics!!
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