Cycling Makoto's Cycling Thread: The End~!

Ill do :) bf says he is gonna play one match LoL before we go so ill tell you when im ready. Probably within an hour :) Genji genj GENJI i was so mad and now i know ill get Genji im happy again!!! THANK YOU :D
Okay! ^^ *writes down note to check back here*
Glad I could help! Genji is so cute >w<
Leaving now. Gonna go online in 10 minutes... Se ya ^_^

- - - Post Merge - - -

Added you. Im in ? hurry are you there?
Ida- no problem! ^__^
JellyBeans- not sure when it'll happen (probably try to save him for last), but I'll probably leave entries open for a day when it does :)
Woopwoop, thanks so much for Wolfgang ;u; Me and him have matching outfits hehehehe <3~