Today must be the day of the wolves cause Wolfgang just moved in! (was trying to get tom for someone, but WOLF!)
No more cycling for today, but I'll start again tomorrow (you know, i have waayyy too much time on my hands it's embarrassing DX)
Genji the otaku rabbit is leaving!! He'll be here the rest of the day.
Also, I'm a dummy and forgot the campsite is available from the beginning XD So I built it, and guess who the first camper was? The adorable Maple! ^3^
Really? do i have to pick him up rigth now? Im at home and i have to go to the local station to get internet.... I know me and My bf are Going there later this evening. Are you able to hold him for me for 1-2 hours or should i leave my house asap and be ready in 20-30 minutes when im there?