March 2021 Update Discussion Thread

Unlike the Mario items, Sanrio does not belong to Nintendo's umbrella company, much nonetheless Animal Crossing's IP team.
They don't get to hand these items out for free.

People need to realize that the items are utilizing IP they don't have rights to outside of a contract that must be followed to Sanrio's expectations.
Please stop whining and complaining about Nintendo when there are many ways to obtain these cards without paying scalpers ( utilize Google, I don't want to catch a warning for recommending other things, but it's very easy ), and realize Nintendo cannot do literally any of the stuff most of you are demanding/wanting them to do without going through Sanrio first.
The reason people are upset is because they see it as not being fair to them. Logically, this isn't about fairness, it's about signed contracts and agreements. As consumers, we aren't privy to the behind-closed-doors conversations, and I'm fine with that. I'm at the mercy of Nintendo, and have been since the original NES was released. They've done me right FAR more times than not, so I will always consider their position before rushing to judgement.
I'm just waiting patiently to get the new seasonal items, specially the korean tree, and the Bunny Day items. I'm also curious to see Katrina in the app, even if I'm not much interested in the Nook Points items.
I'm happy too for all the fans that were requesting more slots for designing :)
I'm more intriged for the 2.0 update. As someone who didn't play other AC games, except Pocket Camp, I'm very curious for all those NPCs and interactions that people keep mentioning, and I cross my fingers because I would enjoy meeting them in game in future updates to come.
Unlike the Mario items, Sanrio does not belong to Nintendo's umbrella company, much nonetheless Animal Crossing's IP team.
They don't get to hand these items out for free.

People need to realize that the items are utilizing IP they don't have rights to outside of a contract that must be followed to Sanrio's expectations.
Please stop whining and complaining about Nintendo when there are many ways to obtain these cards without paying scalpers ( utilize Google, I don't want to catch a warning for recommending other things, but it's very easy ), and realize Nintendo cannot do literally any of the stuff most of you are demanding/wanting them to do without going through Sanrio first.

I never said for "free", though. In fact...I suggested that they charge $9.99 on the eshop, effectively netting both Sanrio and Nintendo more money than the physical card production does. I understand perfectly well how intellectual properties work. Also, it's rather unnecessary to get into this "whining and complaining" rhetoric. There's no need for that at all.

I'm not sure why this turned into a discussion about Nintendo having control of Sanrio's properties, though. I don't recall ever suggesting they did. Obviously the proper protocol would be carried out either way. It would just be nice to have a digital option instead of hunting down scalped packs of cards that are being resold for 10x what they should.
Unlike the Mario items, Sanrio does not belong to Nintendo's umbrella company, much nonetheless Animal Crossing's IP team.
They don't get to hand these items out for free.

People need to realize that the items are utilizing IP they don't have rights to outside of a contract that must be followed to Sanrio's expectations.
Please stop whining and complaining about Nintendo when there are many ways to obtain these cards without paying scalpers ( utilize Google, I don't want to catch a warning for recommending other things, but it's very easy ), and realize Nintendo cannot do literally any of the stuff most of you are demanding/wanting them to do without going through Sanrio first.
I didn't even think about the IP ! I just found it silly to make cards digital or download the items without the cards. Considering this is a crossover I didn't think Nintendo owned anything except the right to collab. Saniro is it's own thing ! There are many ways to get the cards, villagers and items without being charged super high prices ! I wouldn't buy digital copies if everything for more. That's silly. I agree with this.
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I never said for "free", though. In fact...I suggested that they charge $9.99 on the eshop, effectively netting both Sanrio and Nintendo more money than the physical card production does. I understand perfectly well how intellectual properties work. Also, it's rather unnecessary to get into this "whining and complaining" rhetoric. There's no need for that at all.

I'm not sure why this turned into a discussion about Nintendo having control of Sanrio's properties, though. I don't recall ever suggesting they did. Obviously the proper protocol would be carried out either way. It would just be nice to have a digital option instead of hunting down scalped packs of cards that are being resold for 10x what they should.
Why pay 9.99 for digital copies when you can get the items legit for free? You can do trades you right? Seems like a rip off..
I never said for "free", though. In fact...I suggested that they charge $9.99 on the eshop, effectively netting both Sanrio and Nintendo more money than the physical card production does. I understand perfectly well how intellectual properties work. Also, it's rather unnecessary to get into this "whining and complaining" rhetoric. There's no need for that at all.

I'm not sure why this turned into a discussion about Nintendo having control of Sanrio's properties, though. I don't recall ever suggesting they did. Obviously the proper protocol would be carried out either way. It would just be nice to have a digital option instead of hunting down scalped packs of cards that are being resold for 10x what they should.

Sorry if that all seemed aimed just at you, it was to many people, a lot of whom are suggesting the items should be in rotation for everyone regardless of who has the cards. The whining comment was also at the general masses, as many people are pitching fits or just generally complaining about how it doesn't make sense there's a paywall to get these villagers ( even though that's always been the case since they existed back in 2019 ), and don't understand why the items can't be catalogued ( even though it was also again just this way from their inception for obvious reasons ).

I want to say I understand being disappointed, and venting that it's unfortunate that it's this way, but people acting as if because it's out, or just because it's in the game it needs to be accessible to them is kind of ridiculous, especially at least one user who I keep seeing on almost every thread saying how unfortunate it is they can't get these villagers ever nor the items ( despite many people offering them to this user for free, even ), and acting as if, if it's not in the game for everyone to access, it isn't fair. I don't know, I'm just kind of tired of people bashing Nintendo for every little thing, whether it's relevant or not.

The unnecessary negativity and entitlement instead of complaining about legitimate issues is just getting too much for me, so I'm just feeling pretty meh about seeing these comments. Yours just happened to be the newest one and I quoted without being clear it was a branch off vaguely related to your post and not just at you, sorry. 🦭
I don't mind people having a moan but I do mind when they moan about something that hasn't even happened yet. See if you can buy the cards when they release, then have your little moan.

For all you know, Oprah might have hidden a pack beneath your chair for everyone!
Calling the attention of those who have Dom. Can anyone confirm if he gained the Forsythia decor?

It possible that other villagers might have altered decor once again.
Why pay 9.99 for digital copies when you can get the items legit for free? You can do trades you right? Seems like a rip off..
It wouldn't just be the items. It would be the chance to use the Sanrio characters to. It would just be a way for everyone to experience the Sanrio update and not have to miss out because of low print or scalpers. Yeah you can trade, but what if someone just doesn't want to bother setting up trades? Sometimes I'm not in the mood for that, so digital or cards would be a nice thing.

I think it's a pretty good idea. The collectors can get their hands on the cards if they really want them physically.
I don't mind people having a moan but I do mind when they moan about something that hasn't even happened yet. See if you can buy the cards when they release, then have your little moan.

For all you know, Oprah might have hidden a pack beneath your chair for everyone!
I believe you meant can't, and I agree wholeheartedly.
I believe you meant can't, and I agree wholeheartedly.
Nintendo is infamous for not printing enough stuff. I know I said this before, but Pikmin 3 went out of print for the Wii U and when I decided I wanted to try it around 2015 all copies were sold out and at $150+. Same thing happened with Fire Emblem Awakening. Except that got wiped even earlier in its life and I couldn't secure a copy.

Both happened because of Smash. Right now Xenoblade 2 and it's dlc Torna are all sold out and being price gouged because of Pyra and Mythra's inclusion in Smash. They never printed enough copies of the game either from what I hear.

Because the Sanrio are going to be in high demand because of this NH update, I can see it happening again. It would be awesome if I was wrong and anyone that wants the card has plenty of stock to go around.

I already have the cards, even though they are fake, so I don't really care myself to own them or have the real deal. I just hope those who want them can secure a pack.
Nintendo is infamous for not printing enough stuff. I know I said this before, but Pikmin 3 went out of print for the Wii U and when I decided I wanted to try it around 2015 all copies were sold out and at $150+. Same thing happened with Fire Emblem Awakening. Except that got wiped even earlier in its life and I couldn't secure a copy.

Both happened because of Smash. Right now Xenoblade 2 and it's dlc Torna are all sold out and being price gouged because of Pyra and Mythra's inclusion in Smash. They never printed enough copies of the game either from what I hear.

Because the Sanrio are going to be in high demand because of this NH update, I can see it happening again. It would be awesome if I was wrong and anyone that wants the card has plenty of stock to go around.

I already have the cards, even though they are fake, so I don't really care myself to own them or have the real deal. I just hope those who want them can secure a pack.
The problem was you actually owning a Wii U, not the fact there was no Pikmin 3 at a reasonable price :)
Excited for more custom design space! And also for Bunny Day. I missed it last year. Although I heard people were getting annoyed about the egg situation.
Excited for more custom design space! And also for Bunny Day. I missed it last year. Although I heard people were getting annoyed about the egg situation.
I mean, they took the feedback to heart, at least. During the event, they released a patch that lowered egg spawn rates, and the event is one week rather than two this time.
Another datamine thingie... it's a little vague, but there are hints that Isabelle might be announcing visitors in the future.

Also, for reference:
Chai - Peppy A (Play)
Étoile - Normal A (Nature)
Marty - Lazy A (Nature)
Rilla - Peppy A (Play)
Toby - Smug A (Music/Education)
Chelsea - Normal A (Nature)

*Unsure about the hobbies.
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Another datamine thingie... it's a little vague, but there are hints that Isabelle might be announcing visitors in the future.
Sounds interesting. Is there some official link where people share what they mined?
I'm really happy about the added design slots! I'm finally decorating my island with a theme I like and I was worried about having to delete designs to make room for others.

Tbh I don't care for Sanrio villagers, but I might still buy their amiibo cards or figures as collectables
Another datamine thingie... it's a little vague, but there are hints that Isabelle might be announcing visitors in the future.

Also, for reference:
Chai - Peppy A (Play)
Étoile - Normal A (Nature)
Marty - Lazy A (Nature)
Rilla - Peppy A (Play)
Toby - Smug A (Music/Education)
Chelsea - Normal A (Nature)

that is interesting, the subtypes all match what I saw but the hobbies are pretty different. I wonder if anyone who has the villagers can confirm which hobbies they actually have (apologies if you have already confirmed this information on the hobbies, I really have no idea or preference which hobbies are right but am very curious).

whatever the case, I really love that they have rilla something other than fitness.
Sounds interesting. Is there some official link where people share what they mined?
The Animal Crossing New Horizons discord server.

that is interesting, the subtypes all match what I saw but the hobbies are pretty different. I wonder if anyone who has the villagers can confirm which hobbies they actually have (apologies if you have already confirmed this information on the hobbies, I really have no idea or preference which hobbies are right but am very curious).

whatever the case, I really love that they have rilla something other than fitness.

Yep. The subtype is correct but the hobbies are pretty inconsistent with what I've read from others. So I'm not sure which one is which.
I'm really excited about the new custom design slots. Also, we can customise umbrellas now! I have always wanted to make or download some really beautiful and fancy umbrellas.

I really hope that I will like the new items. At least I love the anniversary cake item. Who wouldn't love a green cake? ❤😁