March 2021 Update Discussion Thread

I'm very pleasantly surprised by this update. Not what I was hoping for, exactly (Brewster and Nook's Cranny upgrade) but welcome anyways. I was afraid we'd get nothing after all the holiday characters were added, but looks like we're getting new features still.

I think that's the best part of this update to me - I'm rarely use custom designs, but the new customizable items have me excited. Mostly this update excites me because I can't wait to see what the game looks like this time next year!
I was trying to remember this myself 😅 I think you can look at your catalogue, and when online you can do reactions without having to open up the in-game menu. Don't think it had either of those functions at launch, though.
The only times I have really used the app was for in game messaging when I was doing trades. I am a really slow typer on the switch and someone on here (don’t remember who, sorry) told me that with the app you can use your phone to type messages while playing with others!

I only just realized it has the catalog functions, etc. 😅
The Nook Points system seems pretty interesting. To be honest, I haven't even touched the Nook Link app on my phone since I first downloaded it so I could get... uhh, I think it was the Pocket Camp items? We got something for downloading it, right?

At least in my case, I originally downloaded it for importing New Leaf/HHD designs....that, and the in game chat. Makes writing messages 100x faster.
This is a great step in the right direction now that we are finally getting more custom design slots. I am personally excited for that.
I want to make cute flags and umbrellas !! This update is perfect. I needed more custom slots too 😆
I am so glad the update is not just Sanrio villagers being added. If the update was only adding in those villagers which require a purchase of the cards I would be disappointed. After a slow start to the year, January with Festival (which I loved don't get me wrong) and really not much else added in this update. Then the February update for Mario which is cool but didn't bring anything else really to do. This is hopefully a step in the right direction.

I love the idea of more custom design slots! I have one set of the "path" right now but have always wanted to have another version for my island.
Also love that I won't have to wait for Able's to be open to download more designs. I play mostly at night so it was either change the clock or wait until morning.
Can't say anything about the items for the NSO App but I hope they are tradeable.
At least in my case, I originally downloaded it for importing New Leaf/HHD designs....that, and the in game chat. Makes writing messages 100x faster.

Oh yeaaah, that's why I downloaded it. I think I was under the impression that I wanted to use a lot of QR codes? Yeaaaah I had a postman outfit QR code that I really liked and wanted to use. I bet I still have it in New Leaf, even XD

Damn bro, memories...
This is but a lovely surprise, just realized that tomorrow we have a new update, HOW EXCITING :love:!

Really like what we are getting or what has been listed in the first post and I'm grateful for new things and for Nintendo to keep updating the game, however, I am still waiting for the wow feeling i had in the October update with pumpkin harvesting ! I am aching for real new game dynamics also and im sorry for those tired of reading about this i want my old man back and yes im talking about Brewster with a new model kick like cooking, bartending or something :)😅. Lets see what tomorrow brings :)
I'm a silly man who hasn't quite figured how shopping and tickets work here so I've never traded with anyone here but I'm gonna need to find some kind soul to help provide me some of the Sanrio items on the future.

Let's hope the new stuff is great! Will we get 8 new Bunny Day items (no repeats on the shop) or less? I'm hoping for at least 6 new ones.

I was trying to remember this myself 😅 I think you can look at your catalogue, and when online you can do reactions without having to open up the in-game menu. Don't think it had either of those functions at launch, though.
Yeah, both of those were QoL updates. The catalog is simply amazing, I can check color variations and things very quickly.
I'm mostly excited for the Sanrio items. I loved the outfits and furniture in NL, so getting them in NH will be wonderful.

The new design slots are nice, but I don't do a terrible amount of designing or using customs. I still have a bunch of empty slots now. At least this means I won't have to worry about running out, and probably will keep seasonal designs, instead of overwriting them.

As for the new items coming, the new Bunny Day things in the shop look cute, and maybe a bit more "spring season" than confined to just Easter. There are also a few things I'd like to make again from last year, so it'll be nice to get some eggs. Glad we won't be inundated like last year, though. The forsythia looks fun! I've already got some ideas for that, both indoors and out.
I so desperately need those design slots.
I'm out of space and my camp site is an ugly mess.

I'm doing my best to save it with just one design but I need at least 4 or 5 more
I'm a silly man who hasn't quite figured how shopping and tickets work here so I've never traded with anyone here but I'm gonna need to find some kind soul to help provide me some of the Sanrio items on the future.
Iunno how shopping and tickets work here either but I'd be happy to give you whatever items you're looking for. Hopefully the sanrio stuff is easy enough to order and not subject to the 5 item limit (though thinking about it, in NL those could only be bought with meow coupons, and those were 3 a day, iirc?)
I’m just gonna paste over my thoughts from the other thread, but add a couple of new things I’ve thought of since?
  • First off, not really a big design guy so I’m not too fussed about the addition of more design slots... but I also have an intense desire to dig out my NL cutout patterns (somehow, they’re mostly from Nintendo’s own Dream Address) and the ability to make uchiwa fans and flags is honestly a GAME CHANGER. Weird how you couldn’t make umbrellas until this update, tho.
  • First off, not really a big design guy so I’m not too fussed about the addition of more design slots... but I also have an intense desire to dig out my NL cutout patterns (somehow, they’re mostly from Nintendo’s own Dream Address) and the ability to make uchiwa fans and flags is honestly a GAME CHANGER. Weird how you couldn’t make umbrellas until this update, tho.
  • Slightly mixed feelings on the Design Portal becoming an app, tho. More design slots is a genuine QOL update, making things an app instead of an actual thing you interact with in game is just making things a bit too easy for my liking (compared to something like Nook Shopping, which I’m incentivised to check at the Nook Stop because it gets me Nook Miles to do) and it kinda removes charm, especially from the Able Sisters, which has had a bit of a rough time of it lately, given how there isn’t much incentive to not use the changing room and the removal of “episodes” since after the Wii game. However, optional.
  • Speaking of Nook Shopping, while I still don’t like using it to get the minor event items instead of, idk, fleshing them out into actual things that the villagers hold little celebrations for, I’m impressed by how many holidays it actually celebrates. I especially love the prom stuff, and the return of the cool globe!
  • Also amusing that it’s a Forsythia, given how the descendant of the man who named it was for many years a much-loved gameshow host on UK TV!
  • Mixed feelings on April Fool’s Day not returning from NL. On one hand, it’s a nice little event with an NPC that’s been given a new role that actually suits them, unlike *glances around at all the NPCs that got new roles in NL* and gives them a purpose other than “hahahaha I just drew something rude on their face”, as well as giving the villagers actual things that set them apart from other villagers in their personality. On the other hand, this is all undercut by it being an easy way to get villager pics, something that should inherently be worked towards and treated as a reward. Also they’re not actually silly pranky things, unlike Super Tortimer and the leaf item, so I’m glad they’ve gone with a whoopee cushion this time around. As long as my villagers tell me the most outrageous lies that day, I’ll be very happy.
  • I’m glad that there’s another little tchotchke for me paying £18 a year for Nintendo Switch Online (even if ew, paid online... but that’s a games industry gripe, not a Nintendo gripe). Also WOO NINTENDO CONSOLES IN GAME, NOW GIVE US MINIGAMES FOR THEM
  • Nook Points basically just seems like an AC-specific version of My Nintendo platinum points, rather than a micro transactiony thing... which is one of two good things about it. The other is YAY NEW NOOK INC STUFF. It’s still kinda weird that it exists, tho, given it’ll probably shut down one day (glances at the ruins of the Pokemon dream website from Black and White, or the Object Delivery Center/Mario furniture password parts of DNMe+‘s website), it’s probably got items that’ll be exclusive to it and that kinda shuts people out again, and, y’know, I’ve got over 500000 Nook Miles sitting there doing nothing, but hey, I check the app for catalog reasons, I’m probably going to do it anyway?
  • If they Annie from Splatoon Katrina and have her as just a pic in the app, I’m going to be MAD. But I’m also very much “they’ll somehow find roles for old NPCs, or at least put the models into the game so you can use them in Photopia”, and I’m also very much “Some NPCs work better as shops, and some NPCs work better as travellers... and Katrina honestly works well as both?” On the plus side, if they’ve actually properly added a luck mechanic into the game I’m going to be very happy.
  • Talking of “next year” BUNNY DAY IS BACK AND IT’S DIFFERENT, WHICH MEANS THEY’LL With new items! That apparently aren’t DIYs, going by stuff on the website. This is actually kind of a shame, going by the sheer amount of eggs I’ve still got in my storage from last year. Talking of “last year”, probably because they’ve replaced the eventflow, Bunny Day 2020 no longer works. Not a problem for me, because I’ve given up time travelling in this game... but potentially WORRYING (if they don’t add them into the game as a permanent thing in 2, maybe 3 years time, similar to the Splatfest-exclusive stages being available in The Shoal in Splatoon 2)
  • I didn’t even mention the Sanrio stuff, and it’s the biggest part of the update here. Not interested in crossover villagers, but very much like some of the furniture.
  • Going by the Nook Shopping stuff, looks like the next update’s in about a month’s time? Which means we seem to be getting monthly updates now.
  • Overall, while I’ve got some gripes with it (including the usual BREWSTER ISN’T HERE YET, WHERE’S NOOK N’ GO and some other “the devs have made things easier in response to player feedback, sometimes to the detriment of what AC is meant to be” gripes I’ve had with the game since day 1), I’m still fairly impressed with the update? It’s pretty meaty and substantial, which compared to some of the recent updates is honestly a good thing, and bodes well for the rest of 2021’s updates. Now please, give me more villager errands and stuff.
I already got this sucker out and ready for tonight
