▌▌✖ ▌Marcy's Chibis [Slots FULL]

I don't know... I can't seem to get my head around both Ruby and Rosie! One is a rabbit, the other is a cat, but somehow I still seem to get them mixed up or think one is the other. xD
I might just draw them... as a fusion! Rosby. (':
Stupid quote of the day:

"I only draw freestyle" - Lanaka Nanase.

uhuhuhuhu yeh I said it
Yep! Soon, all of TheBellTree will have swag... THE SWAG TREE xD
By the way, I'm currently working on your request now, Jennifer! I should have it done either tomorrow or the day after ^ ^
Yep! Soon, all of TheBellTree will have swag... THE SWAG TREE xD
By the way, I'm currently working on your request now, Jennifer! I should have it done either tomorrow or the day after ^ ^

Eeeee :D Awesome! *shall look forward to it* <3
If your still adding to the list, I don't mind waiting a couple of months or so for mine. Could I have one too? If you PM me when you get close to my username in the waiting list, I'll send you a current image of my character. >.< As it will probably look different. XD

If your not adding to the list, ignore everything I just said. >.<