no, don't see why it should. idc for medical stuff if they decide that doctors can prescribe weed for ppl for like pain or something, but there's no reason to legalize it just bc some dudebros want to get high at parties w/o being illegal
Yes it should be. Its effects on health are as bad as cigarettes, but those are sold because they don't get you high. But why is alcohol being sold, then? Is being drunk better than being stoned? Nope.
Honestly, if were legal and used for recreation, I think it would take all of the danger out of buying it. I, personally, think that's good. It would give a MIGHTY boost to the economy, which we need. It's been proven at this point that using oil extract from hemp helps with cancer patients. And the 'war on drugs' was started in the (seventies I think?) to put people in prison. I know how that sounds, trust me, but look it up. It's legit. Now, I don't think that all drugs should be legal, but hemp is...well, to be blunt, it isn't dangerous. The most dangerous aspect of it is buying it.
I think it should be. Being from a southern-ish state where people grow marijuana (legally or illegally), if the government were able to put taxes on it, it'd save my state's economy. Also, I don't think it's any worse than drinking or smoking/using tobacco. People will do it anyways and at least it could be regulated more-so legalized if you think about it that way.
I think it should be legalized and highly taxed. Just like cigarettes the rest of society should at least benefit from people stupid enough to buy them.
I think drugs that aren't highly addictive should be legalized. Personally, I don't think the government should be able to tell individual people what they can and can't put in their bodies, nor should they be able to make growing a plant illegal. I think that people should be educated on the effects of drugs, and that they should be allowed to make an informed decision for themselves past the age of 21 (when your brain is done maturing).
I still think that things like heroine, cocaine, meth and pcp should be illegal, but things like weed and psychadelics like mdma, shrooms, and lds should be legal to use in the privacy of your own home (not out in public, or while you're driving or operating any other kind of machinery).
Every single drug in the world should be legalized and be under strict control by the government, very much like medicines. Making it so someone can only buy a certain amount of heroine/whatever per month/week/day. Legalization really would help by shutting down a big part of black market, criminality and mobs
doesn't really hurt anyone, i think yes because it's pretty outrageous that cigarettes and the like are legal and can kill you, but there's no life threatening, or anything threatening about marijuana. I don't and never have smoked it, I don't ever plan to, I just don't see why something that causes cancer is even legal while that isn't.
i can think of these reasons i guess: that many people who use drugs and have addictions are mentally ill and use it as a bad way to cope. it's better to get them help instead of putting them in prison.
people who want to quit but don't want to go to jail would have an easier time reaching out if the risk of going to jail isn't there idk. (tho there Are places addicts can reach out to anonymously and stuff but..?)