
It's more problematic for it to be illegal tbh

I agree with this. I think putting people in jail for marijuana is so useless and it just doesn't seem like a crime that should put someone in jail. There's just too many people being put in jail for something that's no worse than alcohol. Save all that jail space for the people who commit real crimes that are hurting others.
Yeah. It's less harmful than cigarettes lol, and it's basically impossible to OD on marijuana alone.
I only support medical, i dont think we need more drugs flowing in the states. we already have enough stupid people as is

i can think of these reasons i guess: that many people who use drugs and have addictions are mentally ill and use it as a bad way to cope. it's better to get them help instead of putting them in prison.
people who want to quit but don't want to go to jail would have an easier time reaching out if the risk of going to jail isn't there idk. (tho there Are places addicts can reach out to anonymously and stuff but..?)

The way I see it is that people who are addicted to drugs are usually addicted for a reason. A massive proportion of people who are drug dependent are poor (or homeless), mentally ill, lgbt+, abuse survivors, and so on (not all obviously, but even those who aren't still have an issue (addition)). I don't see how shaming these people and throwing them in prison helps anyone at all, they deserve help, not shame, rejection and ridicule. I could honestly write forever about this topic, but instead of babbling I'll link this video about rethinking addiction. That video is rather long, so here is another video that addresses the same topic in a much simpler and visual way.
Yeah. It's less harmful than cigarettes lol, and it's basically impossible to OD on marijuana alone.

Not just 'basically impossible', it is impossible.

The amount of money spent on the war on drugs is just insane & idiotic. I say legalize it.
Did you just finish playing GTA 5 or something

But ehh if cigarette's legal then why not weed. Weed's legal here as long as you're selling from a govt. authorized shop anyway.
I think it should be legal and be treated the same way alcohol is. You should be arrested if you're caught driving while high. It should not be allowed to smoke in public. And you should be 18 or 21 years old in order to purchase. And it should be heavily taxed.
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I think all drugs should be legalized. What someone does with their own body is no one else's business. Plus, when a user wants to quit, or they start to OD or feel they need help, they won't need to feel like doing so will get them into even more trouble as it probably does now. I don't do illegal drugs, but if I did, I sure wouldn't tell my doctor about it, which could lead to further complications/misdiagnosis and a slew of other problems.
okay so tbh it's legal recreationally where I live and a bunch of pot shops just recently went out of business because people can still buy it cheaper from their dealer. the only thing legalizing it did was made it more accessible. uhh so I guess my point is I don't care if it's recreationally legal or not but there's no need for like 50+ pot shops within a one mile radius of each other (which is what happened here when it was first legalized)
okay so tbh it's legal recreationally where I live and a bunch of pot shops just recently went out of business because people can still buy it cheaper from their dealer. the only thing legalizing it did was made it more accessible. uhh so I guess my point is I don't care if it's recreationally legal or not but there's no need for like 50+ pot shops within a one mile radius of each other (which is what happened here when it was first legalized)
Tbh I wish I lived on the west coast lucky
I really don't care. It's already legal where I live (it has been for quite awhile, maybe 5ish years?), and there's not really a problem with it, so I don't see why not.

lol i dont really care, just dont do it near my house!
no, don't see why it should. idc for medical stuff if they decide that doctors can prescribe weed for ppl for like pain or something, but there's no reason to legalize it just bc some dudebros want to get high at parties w/o being illegal

That's like saying we should ban alcohol.
If they used cocaine in doctor's offices way back when, then I say, legalize the weed! (For medical purposes, of course).