Auction Marina the Normal Octopus in boxes!

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woo Marina good luck !

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Wow omfa you're sassy to the max
Well, whatever pleases you.
I'll give it two days tops.

And yes, I'm out :I
Sorry for the small drama but I really needed to owe Coffee back.

He's just trying to be kind >.>'' He didn't mean that at you o-o
p.s thanks Hyogo :]
Give it two days and it'll be "Trading Marina for my dreamies"

Also I assume Lisa is Omfa's waifu anyway.

Probably. :L


Afternoon tea set + Hyogo's offer of 9m (if that's still available) *new bid* :3
Afternoon tea set + Hyogo's offer of 9m (if that's still available) *new bid* :3
I'll probably have to back down.

I'll keep camper resetting for her and such, Don't worry about it.
(I only have 27 Million and I've gotta make sure I don't overspend anyway)
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I'll probably have to back down.

I'll keep camper resetting for her and such, Don't worry about it.
(I only have 27 Million and I've gotta make sure I don't overspend anyway)

Ah :eek: Okay, I understand :p

Okay, thank you Hyogo o-o


Also, bid withdrawn, enjoy Marina Omfa :p
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Okay guys, enough with the arguing. This is an Auction, not a place to argue or feel self pity because someone outbid you. I had closed this but I will reopen it. All bids stand unless Sailor Moon says otherwise.

Don't post in this thread unless its a bid! Any further arguments will result in infractions. You have been warned.
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Congratulations mayor lisa for winning the auction with 9.5 mill! Considering you're offline right now, I time traveled a few hours back to keep her longer.
Let me know whenever you're ready! I'll check here every now and then.
I do hope her offer was Intentional and not just to annoy me or something.

That'd be a shame if that's the case :I
This may have to be reopen because I have not been able to get in contact with mayor lisa (part of it is my fault and the other part is just extremely different time zones) and I really need to move her out to get another villager out.
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