Mario Kart 8 Official General Discussion

Mario Kart 8 Monday Madness tonight! : )

You guys know the time~

Hope to see you there! (New DLC will be included, of course.)
As far a I know, I don't think they did.

I just realized we've known about it for 6 months now and I still don't know the proper name for the Animal Crossing course. :x
As far a I know, I don't think they did.

I just realized we've known about it for 6 months now and I still don't know the proper name for the Animal Crossing course. :x

It's got the highly inventive name of Animal Crossing. :p So I guess you do know it.

I only realised Crossing cup is not called the leaf cup the other day. Though I guess we already had a leaf cup I didn't consider it. xP

I look forward to crashing into everyone later.
Laughed way too hard at this
It’s that lovely, salty time again! Mario Kart 8 Monday Madness is tonight at 8:30PM EST! (In about 15 minutes!) And of course, will be featuring all the new DLC + 200cc!

Stream will be here:

Fair warnings for my swearing and I will also be on Skype with a couple other people! Feel free to come in the chat and hang out/talk/play!

Hope to see you guys there! : )
Hey guys, is the right way to win is to use your shells/bananas for defense and leaving the other items for offense only? I won a few times for that.
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Hey guys, is the right way to win is to use your shells/bananas for defense and leaving the other items for offense only? I won a few times for that.
Not necessarily. If you get a good frontrun, you're gonna want to hold on to a shell. If you have someone right on your tail, best thing to do is to eliminate them by backspam, no matter the item. Oh, and also triple reds, always fire those. It's a jerk move, but hey, it's MK.
Hey guys, is the right way to win is to use your shells/bananas for defense and leaving the other items for offense only? I won a few times for that.

I find single shell/banana to be the best defense. Triples have gaps where you can get hit. Red shells are always ideal if 2nd overtakes you, you can get them straight away.
But if you're in first, I think it's better to not actively defend, keep the item but don't hold L. This way if a blue shell comes you won't lose it, so you can defend from red shells after the blue. (because the game just loves to give me coins in this sitch.) Though this works better if you can keep an eye on the gamepad and see who has what items behind you. But if 2nd place is pretty close a red will hit you before you get the item out. So it's a toss up really.
Hey guys, is the right way to win is to use your shells/bananas for defense and leaving the other items for offense only? I won a few times for that.

I find there's no real way to properly defend yourself. When a red comes, it's always nice to have a banana or green for protection, but there's no telling what that red might do. I've had cases where I was in first, a red shell came, passed me, then spun around and hit me from the front.
Also, MK8 is very picky about where your held item is. If you're drifting and have an item out, and a red shell comes, if you're turned slightly so the item you're holding isn't actually blocking behind you, the red shell still hits. It's ridiculous, but how Mario Kart works.

I've always been a major backspammer. Create as much space as you can between yourself and second place. This way you have room if you make a mistake or if a blue shell comes and can recover.
I love spamming bombs though. Yesterday on Ribbon Road I got two in one race from the same set of boxes and threw both down on the first boost jump. No one could avoid it, pretty much giving me second place for that race. (Because ofc I can never compete with my friend Kent >.>).
Thanks for the advice guys. I'll try to remember using the tips you gave me.
I love this game. :3. My friend has it and I go there all the time and play it. He bought both DLC, so he did get the ACNL stuff and it's so adorable <3
He hasn't unlocked 200cc yet, how do you unlock it anyways?
He just reset it, now we are playing through it again. We have every character, need to work on getting 3 stars and gold on all CC and all cups haha ^_^

He also has the Peach and Bowser Amiibo so he has the character costumes for Mii :3
You have to get Gold on all of the regular cups to unlock it. (You'll also unlock Mirror)

Oh I see. That should be easy for us xD. We play this game a lot. My friend hates playing Wi-Fi though so unless I get my own Wii U I won't be able to race with anyone on here lol