Quick question guys! On the Animal Crossing track, you get numerous villagers to appear by the side of the track, cheering you on. I've noticed multiple times I have Chrissy and Francine appearing by the side, often cheering me on together. Which was weird because I was like oh my gosh, my favourite villagers, and they're appearing at the same time! Then I realised that... Are they taking data from the Animal Crossing Plaza game for the WiiU? I know on that you can favourite certain villagers so they stay in the plaza, so I'm guessing that when you favourite that villager, they are then more likely to appear cheering you on in the course. I don't know if anyone else has noticed this, but that's a pretty neat function, actually.

Now I'll feel even more motivated knowing my two favourite bunnies are cheering me on. <3
But from the new DLC, I am reallly loving Wild Woods, Super Bell Subway, Ribbon Road, and of course... Animal Crossing (the winter track is AMAZING <3). The only one I'm not so keen on is Cheese Land. I feel like it's just a little bit plain, really. I like the music, haha, with the little squeak sound effects in them, but yeah, I'm not so fond of Cheese Land. Plus it's just HELLISH on 200cc. x_x I kept getting 2nd on it and I wanted to get like 3 stars in each cup, and I realised it was because I was braking WAY too much. But I just get so scared I'm gonna fly off the road because it's so bumpy. Managed to get 3 stars in the end, but it took me a few attempts!