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Market Price Summary of Collectibles [CLOSED]

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Dont you think that hammers should be 7k-8k and 7.5 should be the average?
Just considering all 11 hammers I bought in the last 4 weeks have been 7.5k - 8k
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Dont you think that hammers should be 7k-8k and 7.5 should be the average?
Just considering all 11 hammers I bought in the last 4 weeks have been 7.5k - 8k

Maybe because how much one buyer is willing to pay isn't representative of the entire market. For example there's a toy hammer at only 1.9k HB and it's been there for a day or two. I don't think many people care for the toy hammer since its initial release.
Maybe because how much one buyer is willing to pay isn't representative of the entire market. For example there's a toy hammer at only 1.9k HB and it's been there for a day or two. I don't think many people care for the toy hammer since its initial release.

Well I dont think one persons opinion about the hammer speaks for the community. And you are one person too. My comment was more of a suggestion.
Also, go check out the restock thread and tell me people dont want hammers. lol
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Dont you think that hammers should be 7k-8k and 7.5 should be the average?
Just considering all 11 hammers I bought in the last 4 weeks have been 7.5k - 8k

While I know that the recent sales have been 7-8K, I haven't added the 8K as the highest sale due to the fact that you purchased it using other game currency. I do the same thing when there is collectibles traded for another collectible as it's hard to gauge the exact value. Hope that explains why the range is what it is~
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Maybe because how much one buyer is willing to pay isn't representative of the entire market. For example there's a toy hammer at only 1.9k HB and it's been there for a day or two. I don't think many people care for the toy hammer since its initial release.

Honestly, I don't think it's low bid because it's the hammer. I think the entire market has become very, very slow for a while. Only the same buyers and sellers are going around. Everyone else is barely making sales with the exception of just some letters on demand most people are willing to buy, some letters and pinwheels, very rare feathers and such. Everything has become slow because no one has TBT anymore other than the same 6 people lol.
While I know that the recent sales have been 7-8K, I haven't added the 8K as the highest sale due to the fact that you purchased it using other game currency. I do the same thing when there is collectibles traded for another collectible as it's hard to gauge the exact value. Hope that explains why the range is what it is~

Fair enough. That answers my question :)
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Gonna come in here and throw my 2 cents, this is mainly in response to both shendere and Kirito, a Market Price is "...the current price at which an asset or service can be bought or sold."
So that would mean even though the marketplace is a little dead and recovering from the restock surge or scalpers and the likes, every selling thread should be taken into account.

Like the Toy Hammer auction right now. If it should end at 1.9k bells, the current Market Price should lower significantly. As people are currently willing to pay less, there is no need to have them linger at 7k-8k.

It's an unfortunate method to people who own a lot of a singular collectibles (In this case, someone like Infinity ), but that's the only actual way the TBT "economy" as one would call it can ever be "restored." (Which is probably the #1 most annoying debates on the site right now, tbh.) This will make the whole trading board a little more fair, hopefully even help restore the economy better. More people will want to collect, and there will be more action than just the mentioned 5-10 users who are buying everything.
* I'm not trying to be jealous, just trying to make things fair for everyone. *

I'm gonna have to agree with Kirito, with the exception that I don't think people aren't interested, I just think that no one can afford to pay that much. This isn't the collectible's fault, it's the difference in TBT distribution as opposed to a few months back (More members, more posting, welcome bells, etc.)
I personally believe most prices are a little too inflated for what it should be, because there are only a small amount of members here who are actually willing to pay something like 20k-23.5k for a pokeball ( May or may not have been my fault..)
I guess I didn't realize 1 sale can make or break the economy. One bad sale can sentence that collectible to death. I came in here to get answers to why its like this, and I guess I got my answer. I personally don't think the market should operate like that but if thats how the majority want it, then it is what it is. A lot of people take this guide as law, so I guess what you say goes Sholee.

6k purple feather from one sale during a freak restock event
Gonna come in here and throw my 2 cents, this is mainly in response to both shendere and Kirito, a Market Price is "...the current price at which an asset or service can be bought or sold."
So that would mean even though the marketplace is a little dead and recovering from the restock surge or scalpers and the likes, every selling thread should be taken into account.

Like the Toy Hammer auction right now. If it should end at 1.9k bells, the current Market Price should lower significantly. As people are currently willing to pay less, there is no need to have them linger at 7k-8k.

It's an unfortunate method to people who own a lot of a singular collectibles (In this case, someone like Infinity ), but that's the only actual way the TBT "economy" as one would call it can ever be "restored." (Which is probably the #1 most annoying debates on the site right now, tbh.) This will make the whole trading board a little more fair, hopefully even help restore the economy better. More people will want to collect, and there will be more action than just the mentioned 5-10 users who are buying everything.
* I'm not trying to be jealous, just trying to make things fair for everyone. *

I'm gonna have to agree with Kirito, with the exception that I don't think people aren't interested, I just think that no one can afford to pay that much. This isn't the collectible's fault, it's the difference in TBT distribution as opposed to a few months back (More members, more posting, welcome bells, etc.)
I personally believe most prices are a little too inflated for what it should be, because there are only a small amount of members here who are actually willing to pay something like 20k-23.5k for a pokeball ( May or may not have been my fault..)

I agree with what you stated as well. I actually decided to auction my Toy Hammer to see how much it's really worth because imo, I don't think the value of the hammer should be that high (along with a lot of other collectibles) but my job is to report sales and the sales have been around 7.5K. Unfortunately, I think that's the problem with this "guide" is that rich members can really dictate/control market prices.

I guess I didn't realize 1 sale can make or break the economy. One bad sale can sentence that collectible to death. I came in here to get answers to why its like this, and I guess I got my answer. I personally don't think the market should operate like that but if thats how the majority want it, then it is what it is. A lot of people take this guide as law, so I guess what you say goes Sholee.

6k purple feather from one sale during a freak restock event

When there is a sale that occurs once whether REALLY high or low from the range, I don't include it unless I see more. I tried to do that with the hammers, but that's pretty tough when you bought out the market :p

There were a few purple feathers sold around 6K hence the large range.

I wished people didn't take this guide as law because I only report what I see and there are times I miss sales due people reusing their threads, trades in PMs, VMs or me being busy in general.

(maybe I should just wipe out all the numbers and see what happens)
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I guess I didn't realize 1 sale can make or break the economy. One bad sale can sentence that collectible to death. I came in here to get answers to why its like this, and I guess I got my answer. I personally don't think the market should operate like that but if thats how the majority want it, then it is what it is. A lot of people take this guide as law, so I guess what you say goes Sholee.

6k purple feather from one sale during a freak restock event

Eh, I wouldn't say 1 bad sale changes everything too drastically. Obvious someone can tell when a low purchase is an outlier purchase. Like that one time someone sold a green balloon for about 200 tbt, that was either disregarded, or noted that only one sale happened like that. I think sholee is doing a great job picking which ones are acceptable for the general market.

But for something like an auction where people have time to post and bid, it's different. Usually if something goes on sale at a really low price and is sold within minutes, that won't affect the market price.
Like If I put up a pokeball for 2k tbt, and someone buys it right away, Sholee would probably write.
* Note: 1 Pokeball sold for 2k tbt. *
And would keep the original market price standard. Things like that won't affect too much.

As for the purple feather, there have been multiple Purple feathers sold for about 6k so I understand Sholee's reasoning. Even still she kept the higher end still fairly high. It's hard to price something when it was released over a year and a half ago, and not stocked since.

Edit: Also, sorry for making my posts long and hard to read. This has been something I've been meaning to say for a long time!
In no way, shape, or form am I trying to attack anyone.
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Unfortunately, I think that's the problem with this "guide" is that rich members can really dictate/control market prices.
(maybe I should just wipe out all the numbers and see what happens)

This is exactly why the market is sort of dead. A small group of rich people who are extremely desperate for a few items have inflated everything, so when the general public tries buying them too, they end up poor, and basically makes the economy flop so only that small group can buy/sell/trade. No one can afford anything with the lack of TBT being generated and with the ever-increasing demand for items that are inflating.

Like... who has 8k for a hammer and are willing to spend it on a hammer? Very few. But if it went down to just 4k or 3k, I'd bet a lot of people would buy hammers. Once people sell their cheap and common pixels, they can buy uncommon ones. But with insane prices like 20k for pokeballs.... people stop at a certain point and don't even bother anymore.
I am ALWAYS open to suggestions/ideas considering this thread was made to help the community.
bought a popsicle for 1.5
and sold an ice cream swirl for 750

- - - Post Merge - - -

This is exactly why the market is sort of dead. A small group of rich people who are extremely desperate for a few items have inflated everything, so when the general public tries buying them too, they end up poor, and basically makes the economy flop so only that small group can buy/sell/trade. No one can afford anything with the lack of TBT being generated and with the ever-increasing demand for items that are inflating.

Like... who has 8k for a hammer and are willing to spend it on a hammer? Very few. But if it went down to just 4k or 3k, I'd bet a lot of people would buy hammers. Once people sell their cheap and common pixels, they can buy uncommon ones. But with insane prices like 20k for pokeballs.... people stop at a certain point and don't even bother anymore.

this is a really good idea, besides they are just pictures on a screen. it's not like everyone here has 10ktbt in their bank account
I don't know why some of you are saying the toy hammer shouldn't be expensive. there's only like ten more than the yellow house which is worth 11k, the demand is only lower now because everyone is broke from restocks
Honestly I had 15k saved and I bought 5 houses as you can see and all of that is gone and I'm left with 1k and about 800 was donated by two friends in total. And I still can't sell anything for a teal letter lmao, majority of people are selling but no one can afford to buy, the rich members won't buy from the selling threads cause they have no need for those collectibles so everyone is just left with no sales and no bells to afford to spend even if they want to. It's awful.
Honestly I had 15k saved and I bought 5 houses as you can see and all of that is gone and I'm left with 1k and about 800 was donated by two friends in total. And I still can't sell anything for a teal letter lmao, majority of people are selling but no one can afford to buy, the rich members won't buy from the selling threads cause they have no need for those collectibles so everyone is just left with no sales and no bells to afford to spend even if they want to. It's awful.

I feel you bby. Which was why I made trades instead of selling/buying. I don't think now is a good time to make sales yet.
I don't know why some of you are saying the toy hammer shouldn't be expensive. there's only like ten more than the yellow house which is worth 11k, the demand is only lower now because everyone is broke from restocks

It would make sense for the hammer to be worth around the same as the yellow house if you're looking at the amount sold, but the thing is the yellow house has been released since 2012? When I became a member, the yellow house only had 20-22 sold at that time and majority of them were collecting dust in old member's inventory. It was almost as rare as the weird doll is now, members were very much willing to pay over 30K for it.
I can't speak to any history or specifics of the hammer, but it seems to me that we're not in a phase of normal market conditions right now.

my observation has been that, every time there's an event or restock, the market is a major sellers' market with respect to the items connected with the event/restock, and consequently prices rise above normal market level for those items. this lasts up to several days after the event/restock. At some point, the pendulum swings back the other way a great distance and the market becomes a buyers market for those items, for a period of days or even weeks, and the prices drop to below market level.

eventually, the prices rise again to normal market condition levels and stabilize.

there are exceptions to this, of course, and I don't know where hammer fits in. but i think if hammer sells low tomorrow, that only indicates we're in the post-event buyers' market phase of the collectibles economy...
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Oh boy, I don't even know if I should say anything... but I have an opinion, so here goes!

First, I've always believed that the Guide does not dictate prices. We saw how when Sholee was busy and was not updating as often, people weren't going off the Guide at all. The egg prices fluctuated wildly, then it stablized. Same for the clovers. People always pay the prices they can afford and sellers sell at the price they can live with.

Second, yes, I see how the "rich" can influence the market greatly. But, another way to think of it is, even the "rich" have limits. Once they are done collecting what they need, they exit the market. And whatever collectible hey were hunting for, should, over time drop in prices.

Now, once in a while people stubbornly hold onto something (let's say purple feather), because they don't want to sell for the current market price. They want to sell it for what they saw it selling for a month ago, or a few sales ago. That's their choice. It just won't sell then since the wealthy users have moved onto something else and no one else can afford the demanded price.

I think that's why this TBT market is an atypical "economy". In the real world, you can't keep on holding onto for example a house forever. Even if you remember the good old days when houses in your neighborhood sold for $2 mil, if the current market is $1 mil, and you have to move, you gotta sell at that price. There's carrying costs to eat away at your bottom line.

In our little market, there's no real "cost" to just keeping a collectible forever and waiting for the next upswing.

I still think the Guide is valuable for understanding the ballpark of where you want to be, and for sparing the casual collector who isn't on here all the time from getting swindled.

A random aside, I remember when I had like 5 teal letters in my inventory and NO ONE would even buy them or look my sell thread. I guess I should have just held, lol.
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