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Giveaway Marshal is in boxes

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Jan 16, 2013
Sautéed Mushrooms
Winter Mittens
Green Fair Pinwheel
Green Feather
Red Candy
Red Candy
Red Candy
Red Candy
Red Candy
Red Candy
Red Candy
98.4% (59) +
(Don't worry foozay, it's not your Marshal! It's the Marshal from my town. :)


Anyway, Marshal is in boxes. Turned on my game earlier and Isabelle notified me that a villager was leaving... unfortunately, it was Marshall. I didn't cycle or buy/trade for Marshal - he randomly moved into my town. I don't want to sell or trade him for anything as I feel he's worth X amount of whatever anybody can offer me, so I've decided to give him away!

I'm not going to use a raffle or the random.org website to determine who'll receive him. Instead, I'd prefer to just pick somebody to give him to. Seems easy, right? There's but one catch.

You must tell me why you want Marshall. - I'm a hard nut to crack, so you'll have to truly persuade me otherwise I won't choose to give him to you, so the simple "i want him coz he's my all-time dream villager and i luv him so much" will not work.

Be creative and what not.. etc.. blah... hmm.. By the way, if nobody is successful in persuading me then I'll void him (so that I can see him on the main street and potentially have him move in again etc.)

good luck
He will still be on mainstreet if you give him away. :< Nice idea though and good luck to everyone entering.
I would really like Marshal because I had him in my town and promised him to someone who had their Marshal stolen, and after I accidentally voided mine I want to make it up to them and find another. It was my fault, after all. uvu
It's amazing you'd do this for someone! I'm entering because I started crying yesterday over this. I accidentally voided a Marshal from my cycling town whom I was going to give someone. I'm admitting that I completely let them down and I can't live with that. I was giving him to them for free and they were so excited. He was in boxes, and I was resetting on my other town and forgot to turn back the Ds clock. I was crying and didn't even know how to tell them. I literally spent an hour freaking out about it not knowing what to say D: I know it's kinda stupid to freak out over ACNL, but I'm just being honest here haha. Id really love to get Marshal back for them, since they deserve him. Regardless, I really hope he goes to a great home.
Believe or not Marshal not even one of my dream villagers (I rather have Eugene later on). But if you gave in to me I would treat him right and do favors so I can get his picture. Also I believe I could afford him if i bought him anyways its still your choice who you give it to plus I don't like treating the villagers as a slave trade so if you dont give him to me then some other person will be happy. If I had him I would probably give him away when I am done with him (gets his photo). And to be fair I can even get you Winnie if you don't have her already.
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Awe. That's really nice of you. ^-^
I'm not entering since I am like one of the few people on this planet you don't see the whole hype over Marshal, just wanted to post saying it is really nice of you.
Good luck in finding the little guy a new good home!

... and if you void him and end up wifi-ing with someone and his plot happens to turn up in their town it would probably be a nice surprise for them. XP
I'm not gonna lie, I just want him cause he's damn cute, and a squirrel! I want him so I can move him near Hazel and they can be cute little squirrels together. Plus I really hate having you to void a villager. I would not call him a dreamie, but he is a want. I know he'd be happy in my town as I would be with him in it.

Also my only smug villager, Olivia, left yesterday after I tried my hand at TT. So now I need one :x
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Aww thanks for doing this! I really want Marshal as he is my ultimate dreamie, also my sister has him and I am very jealous. Also he looks like a cranky but he isn't. I don't have much luck with him so this is my chance :D
I'd love to enter, well because I'm always unlucky with smug, both with move-ins and camp site, or whatever. Not because his is over-hyped, but I really like him, and I love his Japanese name(Jun) which is also one of my nicknames besides Umeko obviously. He IS a dreamie, but I'm not gonna rant about it. He's an oddball among the smug and that's why I like him, I think you can take him more seriously with his cranky face, than let's say a majority of the smugs. And, well I might be as creative as writing a snazzy poem, but food and stuffed teddy bears goes well together, don't you think? :D Also a nice addition to my two squirrels(Blaire, Sally), they would have someone to fight over ;)
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I'm not gonna lie, I just want him cause he's damn cute, and a squirrel! I want him so I can move him near Hazel and they can be cute little squirrels together. Plus I really hate having you to void a villager. I would not call him a dreamie, but he is a want. I know he'd be happy in my town as I would be with him in it.

Marshal and Hazel anyone
I would like Marshal because he is an old character from Wild World that I had in my town. Him and static together again would make my game! Hokey Smoke as Rocky would say! I want all squirrels too.
I would like Marshal because he is an old character from Wild World that I had in my town. Him and static together again would make my game! Hokey Smoke as Rocky would say! I want all squirrels too.

But ACNL is the first game he's been in..
Ahh let's see why I actually want Marshal
Ofc he's adorable and fluffy, but in reality?
I first met him at my friend's town- I'm out of contact with her, but her name was Himi!!! His catchphrase at the time was "lovey", so each time he said something he'd add 'lovey' to the end, which made me giggle a lot! He was also the first smug I met, and since the only other one I've ever had was Tex (at the time) I was in love- he'd also talk about dancing and spin around and GAH cutie
I didn't actually know he was a popular villager until maybe September, two months after I got my game- So every time I tried to adopt him, someone'd offer 10 million bells V.V so I never did get him in my town.
Another thing!! His catchphrase, Seize the day!! In summer before I got my copy of acnl in July, I went to Savannah on a GS trip and saw 'Carpe Diem!' had been carved into the pavement- at the time I was fretting about spending money bc we don't have a lot, and was worried about getting anything- I then decided to not buy anything because my anxiety wound me up about it- but when I saw it, I felt a lot better and bought a really cute lamp from a vender!! ^u^ ahh that's a pretty silly one, but I've been using the phrase to help me whenever I've felt nervous about doing something, so I was really!! Surprised whenever it turned out to be his catchphrase!!
Oh my god that was so long and rambly
Tl;dr I fell in love when I met him, his favorite saying has always helped me out, and... I really do adore him V.V I'm sorry this was so rambly, though it was cool to express why exactly I want him!! ^u^
To be honest i NEVER knew why people wanted Marshal but when my friend Nana asked me to hold him for her while she started her town over i said ok i went and picked the lil dude up i was more focused into fixing up my town and etc so i treated Marshal like every other villager in my town talked to him alot did errands favors all that jazz my friend pmed me one day to start getting Marshal to ping me saying he's gonna move cuz she finished and wanted him back so thats when i spammed starting talking to him that lil dude is a FLIRT xD (then again mostly all smug villagers are) it was taking long to get him to move but the more i talked and did favors the more i understood why people liked him dude is a freaking awesome villager to have more awesome then my Zell villager (sorry Zell xD) be nice to have him back in my main town even tho now i have to cycle out 14 more villagers (will giveaway to people) but he will be held in my 2nd game as i work on the the main town

thats all :3
I honestly really want marshal because he reminds me of my pet cat. She's super tiny and almost all white except for a bit of gray, and has that same slightly sulky/angry face and a super fluffy tail.) so when I saw him I really wanted him, he looked super cute, tiny, and sweet (especially with how cute smug personalities are). Whenever I'd see a picture of him id allude that he reminds me of my cat, and that I just love pouty/angry faces (cause they are pretty cute). Then not too long ago my cat got really sick, and vets were saying she may not make it. So I was really heart broken, and when I couldn't see her id look at all this marshal fan art and it would cheer me up and make me super cheerful, and in the end very optimistic. Thankfully, she recovered and now I see marshal as almost a good luck charm, and a video game character of my kitten. So honestly id love him in my town as he is my good luck charm and whenever I'm away from home (which is a bit often) I can always be a little bit at ease, because my good luck charm is here and could make me smile at an instant (since I always bring my ds and I play it way too much when times are rough cause it's therapeutic y'know. Sorry for the long post haha~ :(
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