Trading Marshal, Lolly, Fauna, and Ankha [Pre-ordering]

Soot Sprite

Jun 7, 2013
Winter Mittens
100% (105) +
This is an ongoing auction.
Starting bid for each is 1 million, Marshal's starting bid is 10 million. Minimum bid increase for each is 1 million
Buyout for each is 50 million.
Buyout for Marshal is 80 million.
I might accept a rare furniture set, its unlikely though. When I get a price I like, I'll take them down from the selling.
Im looking for Freya and Beau. They MUST have a moving date. Since their not my priority dreamies, adding them to your bid will only be worth 5Million bells.
Dont ask when this ends, because I dont know.
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Would you be willing to sell fauna for 10m?
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I havent seen Razzy on, and Ive been scammed and backed out of trades before>~< And I can always give Marina
to a friend whos been looking for her:3
If it doesn't work out with Razzy (thought I saw them online lil while ago), I'll try and help ya find another Marina. :)
If it helps, i'll throw in 20mil for Kyoko to give towards Marina <3

Anymore if that helps.