Giveaway Marshal Raffle (Winner announced!)


Furst-Rayte Prosecutor
Jun 17, 2013
Gold Mailbox
100% (51) +
Yes, I had him move into vk Manor from the campsite! Hooray! So I will hold a raffle.


- Give me a reason why you think you deserve Marshal.
- Post only once, no spamming please! NO PMs.
- I will not reserve a spot for a friend. They must post here!
- Entries will be randomly selected.
- Please have a spot ready for Marshal when the winner is announced.
- Good luck!!! C:

RAFFLE END DATE: Friday, September 20th. 8 PM Eastern. (Ended)

Note: I'm sorry for the people who have been waiting. I've been suffering from a serious case of insomnia and loss of appetite this week... so I'm running on low energy at the moment. I didn't plan on that, but I just feel incredibly out of it. /passed out

And the winner is.... Kurisu! Congratulations!~
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Oh gosh, I've been looking near and far for Marshal, and then this happens ; U ;
Thank you for giving everyone a fair chance !
I never had much bells or any DLCs, so I was never able to offer when people where selling him -and my town's female population is WAY too high ! XD ( Trading Jeremiah for Mira, bringing me to 9 female villagers ; U ; )

I think I deserve him because I have helped a fair number of people on various forums get their dreamies;
I never ask for anything in return, and also give blue roses to people who don't have them yet -this is probably one of the main reasons why I don't have many bells ; u ;

There have also been a fair number of people who have "tricked" me, however;
I hold dreamies for people, then when I TT them out and get them into boxes, they start ignoring me completely,
forcing me to void them or send them to other people at last minute, even though they were villagers I would have loved to keep ( but nonetheless, weren't my dreamies ~ )

Anyways, thanks again for your consideration ! * U *
Ive been looking for Marshal for forever(and the raffle end date is my birthday xD) and I'm broke and cant afford to buy him D:
Enter me please!
I accidentally lost my smug villager in a tragic time traveling accident, and I'd love to fill the slot with Marshal (who is the cutest villager to ever cute).
Because I would sell my soul for marshal and make a replica of the popular marshal town. /badum tiss
I would love to enter as well. I've been really unlucky with villagers, and getting my dreamies just seem to be impossible with these prices. If I didn't have this hypermobilitysyndrom messing up my wrists maybe I could've collected enough at some point. But yeah, it's a huge hurdle for me.

Good luck everyone!
first, he's my number 1 dreamie (but I will look for him last, coz I know how hard to get him)
second, I need him to replace my smug villager(curlos)

good luck to everyone :)
I don't deserve Marshal, but I would really like him. I think he would be a great addition to the town of Ender! I would never let him go!
I would love to enter ^^ It's so kind of you to do a giveaway.

Marshal is my number one dream villager, just like a lot of people in this thread! But I feel like he is just a dream becauuse he is so hard to get. He would definitely stay put forever in Mist.
This is such a generous giveaway! I'd like to enter please c: The reason I want Marshal is because he's so adorable! I've been looking everywhere but no luck. He's such a sweetie and I'd be ecstatic to have him in my town. ^^
Hope it doesn't sound like brownnosing, but it's rad of you to do this. B)

Marshal is my top-priority dream villager right now because a while back, I accidentally deleted my entire save file and lost him along with the rest of my town and many, many hours of my life. I'm nearly back to my former glory at this point, but I haven't been able to find Marshal for myself yet, and of course I'm not lucky enough to have him randomly move into my town a second time, so here I am. He was by far my favorite villager because he's exactly the kind of attractive hipstery loser I usually find myself making friends with in real life. Honestly, I snorted every time he offered to "bring the acoustic guitaaaar". Precious.

Sorry if my profile looks really barren! I'm new yesterday.
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Ahhhhh you're a saint, thanks so much for doing this ;)
I've been slaving away TT-ing over Marshal for who knows how long because he's my number one dream villager and is the reason I lost my previous favorite villager due to one demonic villager not wanting to leave, (Camofrog UGHHH) but I keep trying to get him at the campsite to no avail :( That, and I would never be able to afford all the auctions or item trades people have over him, so it'd be really hard to get him for a poor person like me lol ;)Ughh, Marshal's just such a cutie, he would never leave my town EVER <3
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Is the "8/20" end date in the title a typo ?_?
What a coincidence, I was planning to do a Marshal raffle once I get him to move. XD

Free bump!
Is the "8/20" end date in the title a typo ?_?
What a coincidence, I was planning to do a Marshal raffle once I get him to move. XD

Free bump!

..yes it is. /major facepalm

I keep thinking it's August, LOL. Thanks for correcting me.
Why I want Marshal? He is probably the rarest villager to come by. The fact that you're doing a raffle shows how kind you are to your community. Well he's my last dream villager and my village will be complete! I never had a crazy amount of money to bid for so as expected I can't buy him... I just hope that I can be that one to win!
Thank you for this giveaway! I would love Marshal because I think he is really sweet and he is the only other smug I like alongside Julian who I unfortunately accidentally TT'd out :( Marshal would be really special to me! Thanks again!
Hi, first off thanks so much I don't want to be that one person that kisses up but it does actually mean alot that I have a shot at getting one of my last three dream villagers Marshal.

So ever since New leaf began I fell in love with Marshal and all his little gossip and sayings. I would constantly go over friends towns that had marshal in them just to see him/talk to him. Now I'm on the forums and I've missed Marshal in multiple giveaways by just seconds or in raffles by just one number it's been a rollercoaster of emotions and hopefully I can get Marshal this time!