Trading Marshal, Tangy, Ankha, Fauna, and Meregune

Kyoko, do you want any of the villagers from my second town before I reset? I have Tammy, Walt, Harry, Chevre, Francine, Jeremiah, Graham, and Jay.
Definitely getting a 2nd copy to sell villagers for loads, before i make another town haha
Err what furniture sets are you interested in and how much do you value them? And what about ending times? xD
Ends when I can TT the villager out xD but what furniture sets do you have\ what villager are you intrested in?
My Marina looks at the world she first lived in >.<
100 Million for Marshal. :') Also have Lucky if you're interested.
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Alright. Just let me know whenever Marshal moves. I'll keep watch on this thread 'till then. :')
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