Selling MARSHAL!

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Well, I can bid higher, but I'll withdraw. So many people helping out, I'll just wait for the next opportunity.
Oh I wasn't even looking at this thread D:
Thank you so much Mary ;A; People on here are so generous, it never ceases to amaze me ><
I'm sorry though Dada! I have a cycling thread too and I'll let you know if he pops up (sadly only have one 3DS or I'd just transfer him to my main town!)

Cinnamon, do you know when your mother in law may make a decision, or is she still looking for offers?
Oh I wasn't even looking at this thread D:
Thank you so much Mary ;A; People on here are so generous, it never ceases to amaze me ><
I'm sorry though Dada! I have a cycling thread too and I'll let you know if he pops up (sadly only have one 3DS or I'd just transfer him to my main town!)

Cinnamon, do you know when your mother in law may make a decision, or is she still looking for offers?

She said still looking at offers :( sorry
I can offer Rudy (in boxes in my husband's town), Maple, Pekoe, Eugene, Pietro or Kyle! I also have plenty of hybrids and I have the complete sloppy and 7/11 set. I can also offer 12 million bells. He's my last dreamie and I've been trying to get him for awhile since I first saw him. Please consider me :)
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I've been really wanting him ^^ if it doesn't work out with pebbles I have 3 mill on me, but I have a lot of hybirds ;o;
Raising Cookie's bid to 13 million + any of the villagers she listed in her post.
14 mill and I can reserve Julian or Lolly for your mother in law whenever they appear in my cycling town. Also have O'Hare, Crackle and Flo in my main town if any of them interest her.
Aww pebles,do you really want Marshal?I can help you bid higher.
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