Marvel Fans


Junior Member
Aug 17, 2018
I'd like to think I'm not the only Marvel fan on here, so if you're a marvel fan (comics, movies, etc.) let's chat. I'm especially curious of your infinity war theories.
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Loki faked his death again fight me
Another Marvel fan here! I too believe that Loki is actually still alive and that he disguised himself as The Hulk, which is why he refused to come out in Infinity War. Also i've been wondering A - why did some people vanish but other's didn't and B - What did Doctor Strange mean at the end of the movie when he said to Tony " It was the only way".
Another Marvel fan here! I too believe that Loki is actually still alive and that he disguised himself as The Hulk, which is why he refused to come out in Infinity War. Also i've been wondering A - why did some people vanish but other's didn't and B - What did Doctor Strange mean at the end of the movie when he said to Tony " It was the only way".

For starters, I think the Loki as Bruce Banner is a load of rubbish. Some people disappeared because when Thanos did what he did, half of of the universe would disappear (as in population), that's why some were still alive. Doctor Strange saw 14 million, 605 different outcomes. Sacrificing the time stone to save Tony and doing what he did was the only way that the Avenger's would win in the end
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Loki faked his death again fight me


I whole-heartedly believe Loki snuck away from the aftermath of the Asgardian ship with Valkyrie in an escape pod, and that he is going to help Tony and Nebula get back to Earth. Of course he is doing purely to save his own skin because he knows what a monster Thanos really is because of the events of Avengers 1 and knows there is a fair chance he won't live long with Thanos in charge.
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I whole-heartedly believe Loki snuck away from the aftermath of the Asgardian ship with Valkyrie in an escape pod, and that he is going to help Tony and Nebula get back to Earth. Of course he is doing purely to save his own skin because he knows what a monster Thanos really is because of the events of Avengers 1 and knows there is a fair chance he won't live long with Thanos in charge.

Loki's motives don't seem to fit in with that... he always wants something in it for himself and I doubt he'd think the avengers and the people of earth would show any signs of gratitude after what he did in New York. Plus Thanos isn't in charge, he simply wanted to save the universe by wiping half of all life, it's not like he wants to be an overlord, which is why we see him 'retire' to his wee little shack at the end of the movie (the gauntlet is totally fried too ^-^ )

Regarding theories I've got a good one revolving Doctor Strange, if you recall he opens the mirror dimension and throws it towards Thanos. Unfortunately it looks like he turns it into a vortex and repels it, BUT then doctor strange goes full badass with his multiple clones, something he could only possibly do in the mirror dimension, which makes me feel like a lot of that scene is in the mirror dimension. Of course half of the universe dies so they must have exited the mirror dimension at one point otherwise everyone wouldn't have melted and Tony wouldn't have been stabbed. During the mirrored fight I believe doctor strange tampered with the gauntlet or did something that allowed something to happen later down the line to bring everyone back.

Its the only thing that explains his ability to make copies of himself and is the only vague part of the fighting.

What do you think about it? ^-^
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I whole-heartedly believe Loki snuck away from the aftermath of the Asgardian ship with Valkyrie in an escape pod, and that he is going to help Tony and Nebula get back to Earth. Of course he is doing purely to save his own skin because he knows what a monster Thanos really is because of the events of Avengers 1 and knows there is a fair chance he won't live long with Thanos in charge.

If anyone is going to help Tony and Nebula get back to Earth it's going to be Kraglin and whatever is left of the Ravagers. I doubt it though because I think the ship Star-Lord, Drax and Mantis used to get to Titan is still able to be used to go to Earth
For starters, I think the Loki as Bruce Banner is a load of rubbish. Some people disappeared because when Thanos did what he did, half of of the universe would disappear (as in population), that's why some were still alive. Doctor Strange saw 14 million, 605 different outcomes. Sacrificing the time stone to save Tony and doing what he did was the only way that the Avenger's would win in the end

Yeah, I think The Hulk thing is wrong as well. I think he probably just got sick and tired of doing everything and that was his way of telling Bruce that it's his turn to actually do stuff. Yeah, i agree with the Doctor Strange part. Can't wait to see how it ends!
I love the marvel movies! I especially love doctor strange due to all the tricks he can do. One part I loved is how he pulled the time stone from the stars in the titan scene. Also, I'm glad to here there's more fans that think that Loki is still alive. Loki is way to devious to be killed, plus he tricked all of us twice. He will show up randomly in the next avengers movie and catch everyone by surprise. :)
Lol I?m glad to see so many people agreeing with me about Loki. Let me expand on what I think though.

Here?s a hot take: if the Russo brothers really wanted us to believe Loki is dead, they needed to kill him in a more believable way. Instead of Loki magically forgetting he can cast illusions and charging Thanos with a butter knife he could?ve cast an illusion and snuck up on thanos a la the dark world and thanos sees through it and killls the real Loki.

The way he died is out of character for him-if he?s actually dead. If he faked his death again though, it would make perfect sense as to why he didn?t use his tricks and magic. Either he?s still alive and out there somewhere (hopefully with Valkyrie as others have said!) or the Russo brothers don?t understand his character and wrote him poorly.
I also agree Loki is alive^^ Even if he really died, perhaps if (when) they beat Thanos everything he did will reverse? Or they’ll take the infinity gauntlet and Thor will just bring Loki back.. There’s no way they can kill Loki off like that!! At the beginning of the movie where most people would eventually forget? Hm. I’m sure Loki will come back!
Yes! I agree Loki didn't die for many reasons people listed and because a) His death was so early in the movie b) theres still the mystery of where was Valkyrie and the rest of the Asgardians? and c) he didn't revert back to his Frost Giant form when he died... or at least I dont think he did.

I love the MCU so much yes its not the perfect movie franchise but it sure is entertaining!