Another Marvel fan here! I too believe that Loki is actually still alive and that he disguised himself as The Hulk, which is why he refused to come out in Infinity War. Also i've been wondering A - why did some people vanish but other's didn't and B - What did Doctor Strange mean at the end of the movie when he said to Tony " It was the only way".
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Loki faked his death again fight me
I whole-heartedly believe Loki snuck away from the aftermath of the Asgardian ship with Valkyrie in an escape pod, and that he is going to help Tony and Nebula get back to Earth. Of course he is doing purely to save his own skin because he knows what a monster Thanos really is because of the events of Avengers 1 and knows there is a fair chance he won't live long with Thanos in charge.
I whole-heartedly believe Loki snuck away from the aftermath of the Asgardian ship with Valkyrie in an escape pod, and that he is going to help Tony and Nebula get back to Earth. Of course he is doing purely to save his own skin because he knows what a monster Thanos really is because of the events of Avengers 1 and knows there is a fair chance he won't live long with Thanos in charge.
For starters, I think the Loki as Bruce Banner is a load of rubbish. Some people disappeared because when Thanos did what he did, half of of the universe would disappear (as in population), that's why some were still alive. Doctor Strange saw 14 million, 605 different outcomes. Sacrificing the time stone to save Tony and doing what he did was the only way that the Avenger's would win in the end
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Loki faked his death again fight me