Materials you never have enough of?

I wish if I was maxed out and an animal gave me crafting material, it would not give me that stupid "not enough space" message. And I wish if I was maxed out and a balloon gave me crafting material, it would neither give me a message nor stack it in my mailbox. I suppose some like to keep spare in their mailbox to grab later, but I want my mailbox empty and I am maxed on everything.
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Cotton !!! I thought I was only one! They should give more! I always need like 60 cotton for 1 thing!!! ahhh
recently i've been low on natural essence and it's been so difficult to get more.
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does friend powder count because i only have around a hundred now and i used to have like 3000 and can't play the golden money maps anymore because i just don't have enough. and you can barely get any outside from garden events so it's super annoying.
Natural essence for me.. Trying to craft some of those reissued Leif's Spring Flowers items and when there's a timer ticking you realise it's SO hard to get essences.
Wood and rustic essence. I'm trying to do the hot air balloon but the rustic essence isn't all that common so it's difficult.
I wish if I was maxed out and an animal gave me crafting material, it would not give me that stupid "not enough space" message. And I wish if I was maxed out and a balloon gave me crafting material, it would neither give me a message nor stack it in my mailbox. I suppose some like to keep spare in their mailbox to grab later, but I want my mailbox empty and I am maxed on everything.

You realize u can go and sell off materials for money so that message doesn't show up just sell down to 500 and you should be good for at least a day
Wood and Cotton, definitely. I also find that I get certain essences waaaaaaaaay more than others, like I get too many types of the same villagers or something.
Cotton. My gosh, cotton is so hecking hard to get. Everything you make with cotton needs like 60 or so of it too, so it's really annoying. I've also been struggling with getting elegant essence lately, though I have no idea why.
Right now it's Wood and Steel, I'm almost done inviting every regular villager to my camp. I'm sure after that it'll be Cotton for the special items.
For me it's natural essence, since all my natural visitors are maxed out. I guess I can get some by trading caps, but the mini-game is kind of tedious. Don't you wish we could trade essence through the market box? And furniture too, while we're at it...
I had trouble with cotton at first, now i never have enough steel. Also I am frequently low on some of the essences.

BTW you can put materials on the market place, not essences but the steel, paper, cotton, preserves, and wood ( i only recently learned this).

It would be nice if we could trade other things in the market box. I didn't think about being careful who I level first, although its chance i guess somewhat. Still it would be difficult to run out of one kind of essence.
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Right now I can't get enough paper, probably because I finally crafted all the wallpaper, and also steel. I have more cotton and wood and preserves than I know what to do with! I am glad we can share them now, I hated them going to waste.