Shop May 2022 Emerald.; LF Heart Wand; DT houses

Yeah! Could it be " Calamity: Crimson Rain Saught Flower " without quotes?<3
I'm out of the loop, but is the yam emoji something inappropriate like the eggplant? Should I take that out? It's not a turnup anyway... >.> I'm scared to google it, lol!
Anyway, still looking for purple star frag and things. ^^
BONK -- added fruit and jellyfish sets in addition to the Pave Pink feather;
maybe looking for a wand
Hi @jadetine I'm confused, do you want a pink pave feather or do you have one and your trading it away?
If you want a pink pave feather I own one, and feathers aren't really my favorite so I might be willing to trade it for collectiables I like more.
Hi @jadetine I'm confused, do you want a pink pave feather or do you have one and your trading it away?
If you want a pink pave feather I own one, and feathers aren't really my favorite so I might be willing to trade it for collectiables I like more.
Sorry for the confusion! I have the heart crystals to buy the pink Pavé feather and would like to offer it in trade for a purple star fragment, etc.; I'm not really interested in tbt or the feathers at the moment, either. Let me see how I can arrange the post more clearly...
Somehow, amazingly, I received a staff nomination in the Valentines contest and will be receiving a Pink Love Potion. I will most likely end up gifting it to a friend, but just in case, I was hoping to eke out some collectible offers to consider. ^_^
i could offer you my purple star frag for the love potion c: im also willing to add tbt to it since the frag is probably not enough ^^
i also have some other collectibles to offer here if you are more interested in that instead of the tbt
Willing to DT my 2022 Easter eggs for free! Just let me know what message you want. Check my inventory for dates and times.
Bonk: clawing my way outta art block and getting back into ACNH yuhhhhhh
Man, this fair has so many lovely collectibles, I am really hurting for some tbt to get them all o_O