Mayor of Morioh
Hyungwon's Military Wife
Ready for Marshal!
Sorry for the wait, Marshal is ready!
Ready for Marshal!
Me and my fianc? are both ready and eagerly waiting whenever you?re ready![]()
Take MelloDimensions before me please
Me and my fianc? are both ready and eagerly waiting whenever you’re ready![]()
I'm so sorry my internet just shut itself off and its not letting anything cinnect! I'm trying to connect myds to a hot spot and get it going. Worst timing ever I'm so sorry
I apologuze for any typoes, I'm typing this through a completely destroyed phone screen
Last time this happened it resolved itself in an jour or so. Hpoing that happens again but sooner. I cant get anything to connect >:C I was diligently stalking the board to make sure I didnt hold you or anyone up as well and now look whats happened c.f..
If it fixes itself shortly ill be back, if not ill be back tomorrow. I feel horrible lol
Ellie is ready for you! Gates are open!i’m available tonight for ellie if you are.
Hiya! ^^ Just giving a heads up I'm around for another... hour or so? Until about 11:30PM EST ^^ (And if you're too swamped tonight, that's fine! ^^ Just wanted to let you know xD)
Ellie is ready for you! Gates are open!
- - - Post Merge - - -
I have Tia ready for you as well if you wanted to run in right quick!
UPDATE: Hi everyone! So my wifi is out right now - AT&T has an outage in my area since yesterday around 6pm CST but the wifi should be back up later today, fingers crossed. Due to this, if it doesn't come back up, any requests will still be honored for the price of 10TBT. Thank you all for your understanding and I should be back up and running in a few!