Selling Mayor Tia's Boxing Service 📦🌺 Your Villager Fairy Godmother! NOW WITH FREE VILLAGERS! NEW LEAF ONLY.

Hey everyone, sorry I wasn't on really today. Work has been taking somewhat of a toll on me and I've been sleeping most of the day. The Labor Day sale is officially over, but I'm going to go ahead and honor the requests that were placed during the sale for the discount price. I won't be on today but I will be on tomorrow after work to finish up the remaining requests and any new ones! Thank you for being so patient with me!
Hey Tia. I’m not making a request right now but I have a question. Is your 3rd villager perk a repetitive thing? I have a villager moving soon and I’m wondering if I can replace her free with my perk.
i think you might have missed my order cause it's not in your list? not sure though ;o;
Mayor: Chef
Town: Bistro
Friend Code: Side bar & Signature
Villager: Ketchup (if you have her)
Availability: Anytime after 3pm (EST)
can i pick up purrl yet?
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haii! c:

Name: Keely
Town: Konoko
Friend Code: 1650-7144-8757
Villager: Marshal
Availability: For a few hours today, then possibly all day on Sunday, + EST
Payment: 20 tbt
Want their Picture?: No thank you c:
Hi everyone! Sorry that I haven't been around. I've been pretty busy and very tired. My brother comes home today from Colorado and I also go out of town (as I usually do on the weekends) and won't be back until Monday, so any requests will get done then. See you guys soon!
Name: Lottie
Town: Gardenia
Friend Code: 3840-5943-0766
Villager: Lolly
Availability: All day today and Sunday and after 4pm CST on weekdays (excluding Tuesdays and Thursdays)
Payment: 20 tbt
Want their picture?: Yes please!

Thank you so much!
Name: Boo
⊳ Town: Oak
⊳ Friend Code: Sidebar
⊳ Villager: Marty
⊳ Availability: Anytime
⊳ Payment: 20tbt
⊳ Want their picture?: Sure
⊳ Name: Nocti
⊳ Town: Aeiou
⊳ Friend Code: 0061-1441-4906
⊳ Villager: Olivia
⊳ Availability: Every day, from 2PM to 4PM GMT+1 (Paris timezone)
⊳ Payment: 4 mil IGB
⊳ Want their picture?: No thanks, just having olivia herself is already very very good !
Hi everyone, I'm home! I'll only be doing a few requests tonight until about 10pm CST. So if you're on, let me know. If not, I'll be taking care of requests during my usual times this week!
hi this is my 2nd request..

fc# in sig
villager: Tia
CST alday/now *someone left so ii need to fill the spot asap lol*
yes ii want the picture
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So I fell asleep last night in the midst of doing requests. ^-^; But I'm here now for the next 4 hours! So please, don't hesitate to remind me of your request if you feel I've missed it!
⊳ Name: Emolga59
⊳ Town: Crystal
⊳ Friend Code: In sidebar
⊳ Villager: Whitney
⊳ Availability: All the time on weekends and from 8:00PM to 8:30PM EDT on weekdays
⊳ Payment: 20TBT
⊳ Want their picture?: Yes, please
⊳ Name: Latt?
⊳ Town: Cawfee
⊳ Friend Code: Sidebar
⊳ Villager: Freya
⊳ Availability: Most all the time
⊳ Payment: I think free again since we reached another 3?
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⊳ Name: Emolga59
⊳ Town: Crystal
⊳ Friend Code: In sidebar
⊳ Villager: Whitney
⊳ Availability: All the time on weekends and from 8:00PM to 8:30PM EDT on weekdays
⊳ Payment: 20TBT
⊳ Want their picture?: Yes, please
I can get her ready for you right now!