╰☆╮ MC's ✧ Pixel ✧ Art ✧ Shop ╰☆╮[ F U L L ]

For MayorGong:


Hope you like it, MayorGong!​
Boop ~

I'll be closing the shop soon~​
╰☆╮ORDER ╰☆╮
Animated/Still: Still
References: https://farm4.staticflickr.com/3856/14974359842_125cf64467_o.png
Extra/s: could you have him holding a levin sword? http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2..._awakening__render_by_satoshikura-d7tafqj.png
Standing or Kneeling: Standingg please!
Lineart Color: Would a pink slightly darker than the hair work? Whatever you think works best!
Notes (Single or couple?): Single
Total Price: 210? I will send when you accept!

Sorry! I'd rather not do this character! Dx Thank you for the interest, though!

My shop is getting to be a drag, so I'll be very picky about which characters I want to pixel! Sorry!​
yay :D

╰☆╮ORDER ╰☆╮
Animated/Still: still
References: tumblr_nizvuqaC1O1txeskgo2_400.jpg (you can draw her without the pacifier if you want)
Extra/s: none
Standing or Kneeling: standing
Lineart Color: up to you
Notes (Single or couple?): single
Total Price: 200

thank you c:
yay :D

╰☆╮ORDER ╰☆╮
Animated/Still: still
References: View attachment 86058 (you can draw her without the pacifier if you want)
Extra/s: none
Standing or Kneeling: standing
Lineart Color: up to you
Notes (Single or couple?): single
Total Price: 200

thank you c:

Accepted. Please send me 200 BTB. n_n​
For Twilight Sparkle:


Hope you like it, Twilight Sparkle! c: I love your Minecraft player! <33​
╰☆╮ORDER ╰☆╮
Animated/Still: Animated
References: Lyndis and Florina
Extra/s: Bouncing, blinking, bouncing heart (between them?)
Standing or Kneeling: Standing (facing each other if you could please)
Lineart Color: ...whatever looks best? Sorry not my forte >.>
Notes (Single or couple?): couple
Total Price: 600 TBT if my math is right.

Thank you so much!! I love your art!!!! <3
╰☆╮ORDER ╰☆╮
Animated/Still: Animated
References: Lyndis and Florina
Extra/s: Bouncing, blinking, bouncing heart (between them?)
Standing or Kneeling: Standing (facing each other if you could please)
Lineart Color: ...whatever looks best? Sorry not my forte >.>
Notes (Single or couple?): couple
Total Price: 600 TBT if my math is right.

Thank you so much!! I love your art!!!! <3
The total would be 675. Still interested?Also, I feel like too much animation would be a little overwhelming for me. D: Do you mind cutting back slightly on the animation?​
The total would be 675. Still interested?Also, I feel like too much animation would be a little overwhelming for me. D: Do you mind cutting back slightly on the animation?​

Ya, totally. Sorry to be overwhelming >.< I'll order whatever you would be comfortable doing :)
Ya, totally. Sorry to be overwhelming >.< I'll order whatever you would be comfortable doing :)

It's fine. n~n

I'd prefer bouncing + bouncing hearts, but any two animation options are fine! :)