Cycling ♩ ♫ ♬ Meadow Cycling ♩ ♫ ♬ ★★★Boxes: Rudy the jock cat

My brother wants to start his AC game over, and he wanted me to do it do. Since this town is my second, I am closing this up and returning all TBT that was sent. I am sorry for the inconvenience :(
Ok! My cycling town is up again! My brother decided to cheat (TT and used a cheat to get 1 billion bells) so I am starting this town up again! Obviously, the villagers are different, but I all the lurks still stand.
woAH ITS BEEN 30 min

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ohh wait i thought she was new lol ;; i dont think i can have a villager out by then so she can go to the other guy ;;
woAH ITS BEEN 30 min

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ohh wait i thought she was new lol ;; i dont think i can have a villager out by then so she can go to the other guy ;;

She isn't in boxes yet :p

I will post when she is, or you can lurk for her
Rudy is in boxes! 75 TBT is the buyout! Starting offer is 15 TBT! Offer closes in 3 hours! (unless somebody offers buyout before then)
Added pictures and lurkers, and a little under 2 1/2 hours for Rudy! Starting at 15 TBT! (Buyout is 75)

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Since this is a speed cycling town, I will not know if the animal's interior is original or not. I will know if their catchphrase and shirt are. I don't think greeting is affected, but I will find out. Anyways, since I can't tell if the interior is unoriginal, there will be no refunds if it turns out that that villager's house is unoriginal. However, if I know they are unoriginal beforehand, there will be a discount.