Meadowcore/Moomin inspired island needing villager suggestions

I’d highly suggest Hornsby as your lazy villager. His eyes just reminds me of the characters eyes.
The blue silo can be the Moominhouse, and I agree about having a mom kangaroo, more specifically Carrie as, to me, she gives off lots of Moominmamma vibes ❤️

Have a zen bridge or wooden bridge over a river with a mailbox nearby, and have a kids' tent as well so that it represents Snufkin's home (complete with a campfire, tin bucket, lantern and fishing rod stand)

This is such a cute idea for an island btw! ☺️ Moomin Island!
Willow? She is very Swiss mountains to me, but maybe she is to flashy for you :p I love her tho.
Maybe you could have Rhonda or merengue as villagers? :)

also here’s a Snufkin outfit I found!

You could also have your town tune as the intro!
fauna would be perfect! she is so cute