Pokémon Mega Pokémon, Z-crystals, or Dynamax/Gigantamax Pokémon


Apple Imperialist
Sep 9, 2014
Palm City
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Apple (Fruit)
Astral Inner Planet Floating Gold #10
September Birthstone (Sapphire)
Of all of these enhancement gimmicks since Pok?mon X&Y, which one did you like most, and which one did you like least?
i like mega evolutions.
unlike Gigantamax/Dynamax , when you mega evolve, the cries wont get distorted
Mega Pok?mon were a fun way to make previously weak Pok?mon really powerful. If you decided to use a Mawile or Kangaskhan before, you would have been annihilated. Then in Gen 6, they became some of the most powerful in the game. Definitely my favorite out of these.

Z-Crystals have some great animations, but I wish the attacks were shorter in multiplayer. It gets old having to sit through such a long animation every time an attack is made. Not bad but nowhere near as good as mega evolutions.

Not much of an opinion on dynamax since I haven't played Gen 8. I don't really see why they couldn't have just been mega evolutions though. I guess each generation needs its own short-lived gimmick.
Mega evolutions, definitely. Dynamax is a strong second after having played some of the new games, and Z-Crystals is third. Didn’t really care for Z-moves all that much.

Also, this thread needs a poll.
Out of these three features, I like Mega evolutions the most. The Z-Moves were never really my favorites. As for Dynamax/Gigantamax, well it's kinda better than Z-Moves, but also not really my cup of tea.
Mega > Dyna > Z

Although I appreciate that all Dyna allows for all Pokemon to do it whereas megas are just handed out to the popular ones.
Gigantamax has been a lot of fun so far, especially with the nests and extra rewards. I really like the wild area as a whole, it really makes good use of the Gigantamax gimmick. Not sure about the other ones, I prefer size change over design change (even if some look really good), but I'm positive towards both.
Mega is still my favourite since I liked seeing new forms for Pokemon. Gigantimax second since it does the same but to a much lesser degree (seemingly not at all for most Pokemon actually).

A moves I liked, they went well alongside megas, but I think if I could only have one or the other I would always pick the option that gave new appearances.
My favorite of these is definitely Mega Evolution. Mega Evolution breathed new life into some Pok?mon, and a lot of them were pretty neat. It's disappointing that they didn't add more Mega Evolutions past Omega Ruby & Alpha Sapphire, I feel that it was a concept worth continuing. Alas, my favorite, Cacturne, will forever be doomed to moving at a snail's pace.

My second favorite would be Z-Moves. Less interesting than Mega Evolutions, but I grew to appreciate them more in subsequent playthroughs of the Generation 7 games. It was nice that any Pok?mon could use a Z-Move so long as they were equipped with a Z-Crystal, whereas there were only so many Mega Evolutions and a lot of Pok?mon continued to wallow in obscurity.

Least favorite is Dynamax/Gigantimax. From the outset, I've never found it to be an interesting mechanic. It has always struck me as rather conceptually lazy, and I can't shake the feeling that they decided to sacrifice a complete Pok?dex at this juncture for the sake of this underwhelming gimmick. For me, it just sort of exists, and I would rather have either of the previous mechanics (or, ideally, both) or something else entirely.
Mega evolutions were really cool. Like... extremely cool. Lol they were the best. I really wish they were still the main focus and we got more of them instead of new gimmicks. I used z-moves whenever I was in a pinch but sitting through the animations was boring and I always dreaded it.

I’m very early in Pok?mon Sword but dynamaxing is alright. Dynamax Pokemon are basically totem Pok?mon but on a more powerful system. I guess the concept of teaming up against a giant boss is cool but why couldn’t we have both that and megas?

RIP Mega Diancie. You will be missed. Hope you return one day....
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Unpopular opinion here, but I like Z-crystals the best. Mega Pok?mon are okay. Dynamaxing would be my least favorite.

An interesting fact is that they all have their advantages and disadvantages.

Mega Pok?mon - you can use Mega Pok?mon in any battle, and you have no turn limit. But only some Pok?mon have Mega stones.
Z-Crystals - any Pok?mon can use Z-crystals, and you can use them in any battle. But you can use a Z-move only once per battle.
Dynamax - you can Dynamax any Pok?mon, and you can stay dynamaxed for more than one turn. But you can only do this in some circumstances.