The next morning Shades was already at the training site. He waited till everyone was there, and then pressed a button. A humongous temple rose into the air, above the atmosphere in space. There were more than a million steps leading up to it. "Your next test will be to climb these stairs without passing out, sleeping, or dying. There are three challenges waiting for each of you along the way. At the top, inside the throne room there is a weapon of legend for each of you, previously wielded by the original element of royalties and myself hundreds of years ago. If you make it to the top, it is yours. If you fall down or rest at all then you must start over. Also, you can not use your powers once you start the journey. There is an invincible legend field that goes to the bottom of the steps that disables all your powers. You will have to rely on pure skill and clever thinking to win. Good luck. Oh, and before I forget, you only have two days to complete the climb, otherwise you'll be thrown back down. Begin." Shades said. RACE began to climb from the first step. He reluctantly kept going, wondering what challenges were in store for everyone this time.