memorable acts of kindness


☆ happinessdelight ☆
May 31, 2014
Sweetheart Easter Egg
Pink Love Letter
Crystal Reindeer
Gift Box
Holiday Candy Cane 2024
Red Toy Car
Cosmic Radioactive Orbiting Spectral #20
Zipper T. Balloon
Ghostly Kitty Ice Cream Cone
what are some acts of kindness people (particularly strangers or acquaintances) have done for you that you randomly think about every once in a while?

i was thinking about this the other day and remembered a time in college when i was taking the shuttle bus to campus and had to stand because all of the seats were full. the bus handles on the ceiling were too high for me to reach comfortably so i was struggling and someone gave up their seat for me

another time was in high school, it started raining afterschool and i hadn’t brought a jacket or anything to protect from the rain. someone from my last class (i barely knew them) was walking by me and offered me their jacket until i reached my mom’s car
I remember this time someone stood up for me when I was being bullied in school. However, my memory is so bad that I don't really remember this person or what the other students were saying.
on the first full day of kindergarten, the first day of riding the school bus, I got on and immediately started crying because I was so nervous. An older girl sat next to me and gently sung to me about school buses. Wherever she is now, I wish only the best for her in life.
I still think about the time one year where I had no birthday plans and wasn't going to be able to celebrate, and a bunch of my classmates came together to help me celebrate... truly an unforgettable memory. < 3
While I don't really have the same fascination for collectibles as a lot of the members here, there have been a few instances where I was gifted one with a lovely message from a member/dear friend on here. I personally don't know a lot about the tier listing of the collectibles, but it doesn't matter if what I was given was tier 1 or tier S. Out of all of the members they could've given it to they choose me. That means a lot and I'll always cherish them and their friendships. And I'll hold on to those collectibles forever.
i had a man randomly give me flowers at gamestop after i helped him and his friend find something to play. it sounded like he got stood up on a date or something went wrong with his girlfriend, i have no idea. i didn't ask, but he was nice. they left and he came back like 2 minutes later with the flowers. i cried LOL
This one is maybe a little random, but years ago I attended a huge famous science fiction/fantasy convention in a nearby city--I was part of a writing group at the time, and it was a pretty big deal that this well-known convention was within driving distance of us, so we all went together. There was a large area for vendors full of art, clothes, replica weapons, books, magazines, miscellaneous trinkets, and so on.

I enjoyed perusing the wares, but it was also pretty stressful, as some of the vendors were trying a little too hard to grab your attention and convince you to buy something. At one point during the con, I escaped a really odd breakout session and took the risk of browsing the vendor tables just to decompress. I ended up spending a lot of time at a little table manned by guy who was just calmly reading a book behind the table, zero pressure, no unwanted conversation or intrusive questions. He'd drawn a bunch of gorgeous art for an upcoming board game--all the art pieces were these fantastical creatures that looked like mashups of real animals, cleverly combined in ways that looked natural. I spent a long time at his table flipping through his art book.

I LOVE long-nosed animals, so when I found an art piece featuring an armadillo with wings instead of legs soaring above a desert, I freaked out a little bit. Unfortunately, he hadn't actually brought a print of that particular art piece to the convention. As soon as he saw my face fall, he was like "Hey, I live in the area and I'm going home tonight! I do all my own prints off a machine at home. That image isn't super popular so I've never made a print of it, but I can run one off tonight. Come back to my table tomorrow." And he did! I was so touched by his thoughtfulness. He wouldn't even accept the tip I tried to give him. It was like a $10-15 sale and he still went out of his way to sell me a really unique piece of art even though he probably had barely enough time to get a night of sleep between convention days as it was. I still have the art piece framed by my desk, and every time I see it, I think about how nice that guy was.
I sent a text to my older brother about an issue I was having. His response was the most kind and sweet message I've ever received.

Screenshot 2024-08-14 7.49.08 PM.png

In context, my mom and I were having an issue with an abusive family member. (it's not exactly resolved. but i'm glad he knows about it).