ʕ •̀ o •́ ʔ
- snip -
yeah i see what you’re saying and i agree, lying about issues leads to uhh bad things (but that’s another issue kind of sghjkjkkhgfd) and whatever but i still don’t think it’s okay to act like you’re the victim when someone else attempted suicide and to basically say that they aren’t really suffering because they need/want attention lol
both invalidating others’ experiences and bragging or lying about mental health issues for attention or w/e are ****ty things to do, even if there can be reasons behind it doesn’t mean it’s cool lol. i’m really done w the negativity and anti recovery that’s everywhere where mental illness is a topic idk can’t people just drink a kale smoothie and be miserable without intentionally making others miserable too
and w the mental health professional compassion thing Yeah thats partly why therapists are supposed to be in therapy themselves right
also i Would Like To Say That i don’t..... do that. ...I acted like you are now - that if you ever ignored a call or ever had trouble believing it, you have a terrible attitude about it.
not sure if thats what you meant but it didnt seem like a general ”you” lol and i just want to Clarify things
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