mental illnesses?

I don't have anything that I'm aware of. I just consider myself an eccentric, which of course is just more of a personality trait than anything. I do hope those who are dealing with actual issues can find a way to cope or find solace in someway.
Leeeet's see...

I got OCD, ADHD [which I hate having so much] and several phobias. I also think I might have generalized anxiety disorder and dyslexia Woop. :T
severe depression and anxiety

I've been in therapy for years and go back and forth between being on and off medication. I more go through spells, and as long as I am seeing my therapist I get over them pretty quickly. It's been a lot of hard work but I've been really trying to push the boundaries of my comfort zone so my anxiety can go away.

Mostly it's that I have to move a lot because of my family. I struggle with putting myself out there to make a friend, but once I do my anxiety/depression halves itself and I can socialize and go to parties and do other things 20-somethings do.
I have depression and severe anxiety, both of which I take medication for. I don't feel like the depression medication is much help, but the anxiety pills sure are! Well, at least in situations where I can just fall asleep, because that's what they do to me. My issues mainly stem from two sexual assaults, one when I was six and one that just occurred in April. Kind of hard to feel happy, or even just 'okay', but I take things day by day.

Nice to see others opening up about these things and remembering that I'm not the only one going through tough times! :)
Severe depression and anxiety.
I also have obsessive tendencies and a few counselors believe I suffer from a slight case of PTSD.
The anxiety and obsessiveness has been kicking my sorry butt lately.
Dyscalculia, a math learning disability.
ADHD aka "The mythical disorder".
Tons and tons of anxiety, including social, generalized.
Some depression sometimes.

I've only been diagnosed with ADHD, Dyscalculia, and social anxiety.
The only one I've been diagnosed with is ADHD. I sometimes think I have social anxiety, but I'm too afraid to ask my parents to look into it/go to a doctor because I'm worried that I'm just overreacting and that I'm trying blaming my shyness on a disorder. :/
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The only one I've been diagnosed with is ADHD. I sometimes think I have social anxiety, but I'm too afraid to ask my parents to look into it/go to a doctor because I'm worried that I'm just overreacting and that I'm trying blaming my shyness on a disorder. :/

Please, talk to your parents about it. Even if you don't have it, there is a chance that something else could be wrong.
I know it's not any of my business, but I spent my entire life being told, "There's nothing wrong with you. You're just shy," until I actually believed it, and now my social anxiety has become crippling to the point where I don't even feel comfortable posting on my own Facebook account. So if there's even the slightest chance that you could have the same problem, I think you should try to nip in the bud as soon as possible before it gets to be too much for you.
so i have depression. ive been diagnosed with it, taking antidepressants, yadda yadda

though i worry i have bpd. i dont like to self diagnose (though im fine with people who choose to do so) but i read up on it and i match like..all of the symptoms. im afraid of people leaving me, i can get very angry suddenly, etc. i try to bring it up to psychiatrist but she brushes it off and say im only depressed without talking to me about it. what do i do
Depression, anxiety, and minor ADD


I'm hav?ng a bad day, oh my this post just made me laugh.
I totally agree. I've posted here before but I'm struggling with depression and anxiety as of late.
Went to therapy again today. My therapist was starting to wonder if it was actually autism that I have. So now I'm gonna get tested for schizophrenia.

I haven't been diagnosed, but I have a lesser case of depression and social anxiety, like today, I nearly got hit by a car because I heard people behind me. I'm on Anti-depressants and I have a boyfriend and family that really supports me, however, because of my social anxiety, I find it hard to make friends.
I've made two acquaintances in college so far, but I hardly contact anyone that isn't in my college, and I only talk to people in college unless they talk to me first. It's kinda dump because I get super lonely too, but I haven't got anyone to talk to which really gets me down.
This is rather a personal thread, but I don't mind sharing I suppose.
I have depression and I used to have EDNOS, which is an eating disorder.

One thing is true from which we can't escape; if we overindulge in anything at all we may suffer the consequences. Like sadness, if we're feeling sad for too long for whatever reason, or have experienced damaging emotional trauma and don?t deal with it, we're in danger of inducing a little depression upon our selves. (Even flying high for too long can cause depression ~ living the high life, or becoming way too confounded and identified with material things - worldly goods - seeking happiness outside of our selves) - All material things are temporal and not to be identified with.

?Materialism, attachment to things of the world, includes pride. Many religious people suffer from pride: taking pleasure or even delight in being good, or religious.?
― Idries Shah, Sufi Thought and Action

You can't beat a good diet (Fruit and veg, something green), exercise, keeping the mind/brain exploratory which we need in order to discover and drive our goals, also to find a little enjoyment in life from time to time.
Negative mentality and emotions can give rise to an obfuscous mind - pondering on negative thoughts and bad ideas for far too long.
Procrastination can be a trait linked with a little depression, we can, and often do find reasons not to do things or change our selves, or even find a little enthusiasm.
Keep it real, avoid drink, drugs and smoking, and find some enjoyment in something once in a while.
It's amazing how many of us beat our heads against walls (Minds in boxes, the insidious nature of TV and the internet can be poisonous and subconsciously affect us in ways we sometimes don't fully understand due to the unconscious machinations of hawks whom cash in on human frailties) - (Idols who superimpose and impression the minds of children with their pretty faces, perfect body's, sexuality and violence)

As for my EDNOS, I ate very little, and the amounts grew less each day. It wasn't that I was starving myself, I just wasn't hungry. One day, my church went out for breakfast and brought me along and I couldn't eat one pancake without vomiting. It was too much food for me, my stomach literally had gotten smaller. I was hospitalized for a while as well. Two years later, I eat a lot, a lot more than I should, and I've gained over 10 pounds in the past 4 months. It makes me uncomfortable, because it seems like I can never win, but meh.
I'm curious. For those who have a professionally diagnosed depression, does it feel more like pain or numbness? My psych teacher told me it has more to do with apathy than actually feeling sad/depressed, but some people here feel scared, sad, angry, and lonely yet are diagnosed with it. What happens during depression?

I don't believe I've been diagnosed with any mental disorders and I don't want to find out if I do.