mental illnesses?

unfortunately, i'm basically just amalgam of different diagnoses at this point. i have bipolar disorder, autism, panic disorder, and am being tested for ocd. it's tough! good job to all of you for fighting your illnesses. stay strong! :O

you, too!
I'm diagnosed with ADHD, Asperger's Syndrome, Generalised Depression, Insomnia and Generalised Anxiety. My doctor's going to do further examinations regarding Borderline Disorder, Manic-Depressive Disorder (Bipolar) and Anorexia.

I take 3 different medications everyday (for my ADHD and Depression), emergency pills and sleeping pills. Without my medication I would not be able to function at all and go back to the mental institute for days, weeks etc and basically my whole life has been a mess. (I shouldn't complain though, there are people who've gone through a lot worse)
I have depression and anxiety. I was always skeptical but I got a diagnosis in hospital. My dad diagnosed me with ADHD though. He's not a doctor. He's just schizophrenic.
I have complete respect and sympathy for anyone who was officially diagnosed with a mental illness by a doctor, but in this day and age, it seems to be a trend for people to claim to have certain illnesses like anxiety or aspergers, just to use as an excuse for their anti-social tendencies. I've never been diagnosed with anything, but I don't like going to doctors, so there is that. I joke around that I'm a little crazy, and I tend to overly worry about many things, and I'm quite shy and have difficult times talking to people because of it, but no, I'm not going to start hiding behind mental illness labels because of it.

*this isn't an attack on anyone who has been officially diagnosed. I love you all and wish you all the happiest day!
I have complete respect and sympathy for anyone who was officially diagnosed with a mental illness by a doctor, but in this day and age, it seems to be a trend for people to claim to have certain illnesses like anxiety or aspergers, just to use as an excuse for their anti-social tendencies. I've never been diagnosed with anything, but I don't like going to doctors, so there is that. I joke around that I'm a little crazy, and I tend to overly worry about many things, and I'm quite shy and have difficult times talking to people because of it, but no, I'm not going to start hiding behind mental illness labels because of it.

*this isn't an attack on anyone who has been officially diagnosed. I love you all and wish you all the happiest day!
Mental illnesses are glorified and romanticised by people. I don't like it when people introduce themselves with their mental illness. I swear I saw some scene boy say he had some mental illness because he didn't like people touching hair. If you don't like people touching your hair that's not got anything to do with your brain so calm your **** and don't post a status about it oh my god

I undeerstand that self-diagnosing is sometimes good in ways but saying you have depression because you didn't get to meet your grandma doesn't give you depression
i have social anxiety but over the years it's gotten a lot better. it used to be so bad that i couldn't even go into convenience stores and purchase something. now... i'm fairly outgoing for someone who's "shy" though i still don't approach people or talk to people unless i'm spoken to first. i took paxil for my anxiety since i was 14, and i'm 21 now. i only just recently switched from paxil to celexa.

my social skills may have gotten better, but i still have high amounts of anxiety. talking on phones absolutely terrify me, but i'm usually fine with conversations in person. my anxiety comes in "bursts", that's honestly the best way i can describe it. i can go a decent amount of time with no symptoms, and then suddenly it all hits me and i have panic attacks over little things. the things that set me off the most are driving and being crammed in a small house full of people (which is why i tend to dislike holidays).

i also have depression, which had gotten better for a while, but it's just recently hit me again with the realization that i'm living a pretty pathetic life atm. i'm 21, i don't go to school, and i don't have a job... so yeah
No, I don't think I have any. I have social anxiety, but I'm not sure if that counts o.o
I'm extremely anti-social and dislike people and their presence. I peed in a can once because I didn't want to leave my room, all because there was someone visiting my mom and I didn't want to meet them. =x
I've also hid in a closet TWICE. All because someone was coming over to visit and I wasn't ready to meet them. >.<
It can get pretty severe sometimes. I remember I had a panic attack at a mall in Egypt once. I couldn't stop crying or shaking, so I just felt this urge to run. I felt like everyone around me was talking about me, and looking at me. I continued to cry for the next week. Whenever I go to a new place like a restaurant, I feel uneasy and find myself looking everywhere and at everyone constantly. Like I don't trust them or something. That usually goes away the more I visit the place though.
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No, I don't think I have any. I have social anxiety, but I'm not sure if that counts o.o
I'm extremely anti-social and dislike people and their presence. I peed in a can once because I didn't want to leave my room, all because there was someone visiting my mom and I didn't want to meet them. =x
I've also hid in a closet TWICE. All because someone was coming over to visit and I wasn't ready to meet them. >.<
It can get pretty severe sometimes. I remember I had a panic attack at a mall in Egypt once. I couldn't stop crying or shaking, so I just felt this urge to run. I felt like everyone around me was talking about me, and looking at me. I continued to cry for the next week. Whenever I go to a new place like a restaurant, I feel uneasy and find myself looking everywhere and at everyone constantly. Like I don't trust them or something. That usually goes away the more I visit the place though.

You're not alone. I hate saying I have anxiety because it seems like a vague statement or overused or looked over. When I first moved after graduating high school, I moved in with my boyfriend and his family. Whenever he was at work I never left the room without him. I peed in bottles and bags a lot .. I rarely ate or went to get food. I can't order my own food , make phone calls well , look at a cashier in the eye, and grocery shop alone. It's just .. Not something I control. I feel pathetic saying it too. It bothers me the most when my boyfriend isn't patient with me and lacks understanding of it. It helps when my friends praise me for trying these things once in awhile. I also hate when people say they have anxiety when they clearly have no problems doing these daily things.
Apparently I was diagnosed with pica when i was a kid. My mom says I used to eat pencils. I dont remember any of this.
You're not alone. I hate saying I have anxiety because it seems like a vague statement or overused or looked over. When I first moved after graduating high school, I moved in with my boyfriend and his family. Whenever he was at work I never left the room without him. I peed in bottles and bags a lot .. I rarely ate or went to get food. I can't order my own food , make phone calls well , look at a cashier in the eye, and grocery shop alone. It's just .. Not something I control. I feel pathetic saying it too. It bothers me the most when my boyfriend isn't patient with me and lacks understanding of it. It helps when my friends praise me for trying these things once in awhile. I also hate when people say they have anxiety when they clearly have no problems doing these daily things.

Social anxiety comes at different levels. Some are more severe than others. I've had a therapist helping me since I was 7, so I can be pretty calm and strong on a daily basis, but sometimes I fail and that's when the peeing in a can and having a panic attack comes to play. I definitely understand the feeling silly about it part. I feel the same way whenever I talk/think about it. Having a partner that is understanding is key. Last boyfriend I had didn't quite understand, so it didn't work. Him not understanding just made it all worse.
My current boyfriend however is VERY understanding. Sometimes I just need a few days of rest where people aren't around me. If you have anxiety and you're in therapy trying to make it better, it can all feel like you're constantly fighting. It's exhausting :/
I call them my "rest" days. My boyfriend understands and we don't leave the house, or he'll go on his own. Though sometimes I can get anxiety if he goes too, but it's because I love him so much and worry >.<
I had a panic attack while I was in England with him, and he was the best about it all. He went above and beyond to make sure I was ok. That's when I knew he was a keeper. :) Best thing about it is he tells me all the time how he thinks I'm the strongest person in the world, even though sometimes I feel weak and like a failure for slipping up. Hearing that gives me more strength to keeping going.
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*points to Aspergers*

I forgot my anxiety pills three days in a row and had a breakdown on the third.
I have complete respect and sympathy for anyone who was officially diagnosed with a mental illness by a doctor, but in this day and age, it seems to be a trend for people to claim to have certain illnesses like anxiety or aspergers, just to use as an excuse for their anti-social tendencies. I've never been diagnosed with anything, but I don't like going to doctors, so there is that. I joke around that I'm a little crazy, and I tend to overly worry about many things, and I'm quite shy and have difficult times talking to people because of it, but no, I'm not going to start hiding behind mental illness labels because of it.

*this isn't an attack on anyone who has been officially diagnosed. I love you all and wish you all the happiest day!
It's disgusting to say the least. People actually diagnosed with one generally try to work around their disadvantages rather than going "well, that just how it do". And as RhinoK said, some people introduce themselves with it. While I'm generally more open about it on the internet, in real life there's people close to me that don't know I've been diagnosed. Whenever I feel like I'm so familiar with somebody that I can tell them, I try to do it in passing so it's like a normal thing. I'd rather have them realize at a later time that I said that than interrogate me about it.

To add onto earlier posts of mine in this thread, I've had conversations with my psychologist (specialized in autism) lately that made me learn more about my condition. A few of my senses are hypersensitive, like my hearing and seeing, and I felt really awkward asking about it, but I wanted to know if the hallucinations I've had all my life were caused by it.
Turns out they are, and even some things I didn't consider hallucinations (like feeling somebody touch me even though I'm alone) were mentioned. All my senses that are hypersensitive are the things through which I experience hallucinations. And all caused by my ASD.

Apart from that, the antidepressants I use don't work on me anymore, and she suggested a new one. The scary thing is that she suggested something that's used on people that are psychotic. I told her I wanted to think about it and talk about it with the psychiatrist (who makes the final decision). It seems a bit overkill to give me that powerful of a drug just to have me not be depressed.
I have complete respect and sympathy for anyone who was officially diagnosed with a mental illness by a doctor, but in this day and age, it seems to be a trend for people to claim to have certain illnesses like anxiety or aspergers, just to use as an excuse for their anti-social tendencies. I've never been diagnosed with anything, but I don't like going to doctors, so there is that. I joke around that I'm a little crazy, and I tend to overly worry about many things, and I'm quite shy and have difficult times talking to people because of it, but no, I'm not going to start hiding behind mental illness labels because of it.

*this isn't an attack on anyone who has been officially diagnosed. I love you all and wish you all the happiest day!

I wouldn't have said it better. For some people, it's just a trend - and I mean it, some people and not all of them! So anyone with a real mental illness should not be offended in any way.

As for me, basically, I'm fine. But really my private and IRL life, if I should talk about it, I would quote a great man: 'That's private, Private' - Skipper the penguin
lmao i'd never say this in real life but why not! (i agree when everyone feeling funny about self diagnosis and the tread and social anxiety being 'cute' and s**t, like omg it is not fun or cute or anything, stop.)

I have generalised and social anxiety and episodic depression (apparently both are severe but i dunno.) My anxiety started when i was little, then when i was about 11 i developed an allergy to sulphites in food, but my doctor just thought i wasnt eating right and told me to eat literally everything that contains sulphites (prune juice, grapes, sultanas etc) which made me sooo sick and so scared of food, my parents didnt help but after 1 year of this we worked out it was the allergy and i was sorta saved. never recovered from the anxiety of eating, i still struggle with that big time. for the social anxiety, long story short several groups of my friends were **** over many years (if ya wanna know more pm me, its quite the story) and my sister was also like that, so yeah. depression came when i was about 13? wasnt diagnosed until last year when i finally plucked up the courage to get help. So gfar it hasn't helped for me, but that shouldn't discourage you to go and get help too!

If anyone needs to talk, PM me, I'm always ready to lend an ear!
bipolar disorder, anxiety, schizophrenia symptoms (used to be schizophrenic but now i'm just left with the symptoms), and then depression is an obvious part of all of that due to the extreme stress i've had from suicide watch/mental health professionals (the biggest jokes on earth) which has probably made my mental health about 29373772 times worse
bipolar disorder, anxiety, schizophrenia symptoms (used to be schizophrenic but now i'm just left with the symptoms), and then depression is an obvious part of all of that due to the extreme stress i've had from suicide watch/mental health professionals (the biggest jokes on earth) which has probably made my mental health about 29373772 times worse

mental health professionals are some of the most frustrating and some times the worst things you can have while you're feeling really bad. i feel you 1000% on this one
Depression and anxiety. I was medicated but stopped taking them. Sometimes I regret not taking them but I suppose not being medicated is better in the long run.

- - - Post Merge - - -

they keep trying to get me someone to speak to about my problems, but i refuse. I tend to bottle things up.
Depression, Anxiety, and Social Anxiety (For anyone who has ever traded with me on the AC boards... You should know that xD
I'm sorreh >.> )
I think I have depression or bipolar disorder.
But my mom doesn't think so.
My friends and teachers, and some family sees it. She doesn't.
It's so hard because I want the help, and I want to look back at these times and smile, not cry and scream, "Woe is me!"

It's so hard. :/
Not sure which mental illnesses I have...but I definitely have something