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mental illnesses?

I've been diagnosed with depression for almost a year now. I won't go into my entire story but I think my depression developed a long time ago, when my parents got divorced when I was 3. As the years went on different things in my life changed until I reached this all time low. I was sad all the time. Always crying myself to sleep. Always having suicidal thoughts. After having a fight with my mom one night, I looked around my room for something to kill myself with. I never found anything, though. That was the first time I ever came that close to ending my life. I'd told one of my teachers about it, and he told me I needed to tell my parents. So one day I did. And that night they took me to the hospital, where I was taken to a mental institute. I was cut off from everything, stuck in this room for 12 hours a day with all these girls. In the hospital they put me on meds. I can say those were the worse days of my life. I've been on meds for about a year now, and my dosage is decreasing, & I won't have to take them soon, thank god. I see a therapist, we don't really talk about my deep mental problems. I'm doing a lot better than I was, but the depression isn't gone for good. Sorry for writing so much, and thank you for taking the time to read everyone's story.

- - - Post Merge - - -

I get anxiety. I'm definitely fine with talking to people and being around people, but to somewhat of an extent. I get really anxious talking to strangers and I always have this assumption that they just won't like me, and that leads to me feeling depressed after social encounters sometimes.

I know what you mean, I experience it too.
I've been diagnosed with depression for almost a year now. I won't go into my entire story but I think my depression developed a long time ago, when my parents got divorced when I was 3. As the years went on different things in my life changed until I reached this all time low. I was sad all the time. Always crying myself to sleep. Always having suicidal thoughts. After having a fight with my mom one night, I looked around my room for something to kill myself with. I never found anything, though. That was the first time I ever came that close to ending my life. I'd told one of my teachers about it, and he told me I needed to tell my parents. So one day I did. And that night they took me to the hospital, where I was taken to a mental institute. I was cut off from everything, stuck in this room for 12 hours a day with all these girls. In the hospital they put me on meds. I can say those were the worse days of my life. I've been on meds for about a year now, and my dosage is decreasing, & I won't have to take them soon, thank god. I see a therapist, we don't really talk about my deep mental problems. I'm doing a lot better than I was, but the depression isn't gone for good. Sorry for writing so much, and thank you for taking the time to read everyone's story.

I'm so sorry. :( It's good that you're doing better.
A friend of mine went through one of those institutes. She told me something along the lines that the environment was so terrible it seemed to hurt more than help.
I`m diagnosed with avoidant personality disorder and borderline.

Yeah well.... What to say? Its a pain, thats for sure. Its not gonig away it seems either. So yeah....
The biggest problem I have with it, that its ALWAYS around and makes EVERYTHING an absolute nightmare to accomplish. From entering a new store to finding a living space and from creating friendships to finding a job.

If that isn`t bad enough, relationships just seem borderline (gheghe) impossible.

I`m glad I have made my profession of it and the ability to help people deal with these problems. Invisible doesn`t mean non existent. I both mean that for people with APD and for problems that can`t be seen with the naked eye.
i have bipolar disorder, anxiety, depersonalization disorder, and i have symptoms of schizophrenia but i'm not diagnosed with it. i have to see a psychiatrist every month because i just got off of periodic suicide watch, but i've stopped seeing my psychologist because i'd been having panic attacks around her and being hospitalised more often. i should probably see a psychologist more often but after three years it gets a bit tedious and useless.
I have an anxiety disorder and my triggers make it hard for me to function. I have a sensitivity to loud noises; I get really frightened and overwhelmed and I can't process all of the auditory information and I start to panic; along with that I have a severe phobia of having my picture taken, and in the past I have had panic attacks from just hearing a shutter sound or seeing someone hold up a camera phone.
When I was younger I was bullied and stalked and I started having auditory and visual hallucinations as a result of the paranoia caused by the stalking, and since I was denied proper health care and my mental health didn't matter to my parents, my anxiety disorder, depression and (what the counselors thought was) paranoid schizophrenia went undiagnosed and untreated and worsened over time. I can say it has gotten better, but I am not at my best.
I have Anxiety (Social and trauma) I also have severe depression, doctor's think I have bipolar rising up and I have behavior problems.
Dyscalculia and Dyslexia.

I really don't have any stories about them. It just makes things harder when it comes to logistics.
That second one is pretty surprising. How much does it affect you? I'm asking because whenever I see you post you're very well well spoken.

I've mentioned it a few times on this subforum, but I have autism, severe depression, as well as anxiety issues. I have a job that I haven't been to since last January because the anxiety got to me and led to me being super depressed. My boss also doesn't want me to come back yet because it's bothering me so much, and I barely sleep at all nowadays, what with the nightmares/night terrors I experience on an almost nightly basis.
However, I'm currently going to therapy which I hope will help.
i've had anorexia with bulimic tendencies for 7 years
my doctor tried to push for anxiety tests a while back but it never happened so idk
I'm so sorry. :( It's good that you're doing better.
A friend of mine went through one of those institutes. She told me something along the lines that the environment was so terrible it seemed to hurt more than help.

Thanks :) and they really do, it really didn't help me at all. If you ever find yourself in a situation like that I suggest you stay away from institutes and see a doctor.
i got diagnosed with major depression and anxiety back in 2012 and ive been on two different anti depressants and anxiety medication since then. it started back when i was in fifth grade and i lost most of the people i called friends all my life. the rest of the time i was in the public school system before i dropped out due to physical illness, ive been spit on, hit, and hurt by a boy to the point of having post traumatic stress disorder and chronic nightmares. it happened over two years ago but i dont think ill ever be able to get over it.

bleh. that was personal.
OCD. Maybe. Idk. Never been diagnosed all I know is my mood gets pretty negative if people mess up my department at work and I get really nervous and on edge
a little bit of adhd

I can't sit still or i get all twitchy, and whenever people start talking i dont really listen to what they're saying...

I also like staring off into space
Afriad for no reason at all or late night while playing dota 2 loud music (match making part) was jump on my chair or rain is hard I would hide under my blanket and cover my ears (sometimes)

this happen to me when I was around 10 I guess I'm 16 y/o is this normal? I have real life friends so yeah
I've had a problem with major depression since I was 10 and got diagnosed when I was 13. I've never been put on medication because I'm "too young" and when I told the doctor I was suicidal they laughed in my face. I've also had a big problem with anxiety since I was 14, to the point where I just couldn't stay in a single lesson and the thought of coming out of the house made me want to cry. I've suffered from panic attacks and EDNOS for about 2 years now... But every time I've tried to get help, I get sent between around 15 places then they give up on me...
I'm a little bipolar. I don't have super crazy moments, but I get mad super easily. Not a lot makes me super mad, but when I'm mad, I get REALLY mad.
Sometimes I think I have depression but I'm not sure. It's definitely not severe, because I'm not always depressed, but when I do get depressed I get really depressed.
I'm not on any meds because I don't believe in "solving" a problem by creating another one. I mean, think about it, you take antidepressants to help depression/anxiety/etc and you feel fine on the meds, but what happens when you wanna stop because you realize that the meds are very harmful to your body? Those meds are addictive and stopping them can actually give you worse anxiety/depression than you ever had to begin with, so why go through that? I'd rather just overcome it the natural way :)
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I might have a slightly psychopathic side. I don't get mad easily and if I am, you wouldn't know. I'm thought of as "nice" by most everyone, but what I really want to do is throw stuff at the people who annoy me. I don't understand emotions or how to empathize . I enjoy manipulating people and watching people I hate cry.
Afriad for no reason at all or late night while playing dota 2 loud music (match making part) was jump on my chair or rain is hard I would hide under my blanket and cover my ears (sometimes)

this happen to me when I was around 10 I guess I'm 16 y/o is this normal? I have real life friends so yeah

uhhh... yes. that would be relatively normal.
this thread isn't for diagnosing you, and having "real life friends" has nothing to do with this.