B e t h a n y
I hate pears
I know what you are saying, like i will not get her for 30 mill or something but i always find a villager i love, bid 200k, the rules DO say increases of 100k and then the next person bids 15 million or something, i find it unfair and strange that the host does not go with there rules
I know what you are saying, like i will not get her for 30 mill or something but i always find a villager i love, bid 200k, the rules DO say increases of 100k and then the next person bids 15 million or something, i find it unfair and strange that the host does not go with there rules
I also understand what you're saying. I never really see set increments, it's usually minimum increments that I see. Maybe just set a maximum increment or something. Like no one can bid more than 1 million more than the current high bid or something?
I know what you are saying, like i will not get her for 30 mill or something but i always find a villager i love, bid 200k, the rules DO say increases of 100k and then the next person bids 15 million or something, i find it unfair and strange that the host does not go with there rules