Like the title says! The sky is filled with shooting stars. So, anyone want to come and speak to Celeste and wish on a few stars?
Entry is free, tips are appreciated but not mandatory.
At the risk of being a bit of a kill-joy, I'm gonna lay down some ground rules here. (Most of it is common sense stuff but, just in case)

Entry is free, tips are appreciated but not mandatory.
At the risk of being a bit of a kill-joy, I'm gonna lay down some ground rules here. (Most of it is common sense stuff but, just in case)
- I will take one person at a time in the order of who posted first. So please be able to wait your turn. I'll send you a private message when it's your turn, if you haven't responded after 5 minutes I'll move on to the next person.
- When you arrive, please follow me to the harbour where we will get the best view of the stars. If you've indicated that you want to see Celeste, I'll take you to her first.
- When we get to the harbour, you will see some random DIYs on the floor. These are free for anyone who wants them. So feel free to take any of them, so long as you learn them immediately (I'm not giving them away just for people to sell them on)
- Please stay where I can see you.
- Do not run.
- Don't pick flowers/fruit without permission. If you pick one by accident, just drop it.
- I'll let each person stay for 15 minutes or 20 wishes, whichever happens first. If you get really unlucky and the stars all decide to stop while you're here, I might extend your time a bit. Same if Celeste has wandered off and we can't find her.
- If you break the rules I will force close without saving, unless it was a clear accident.
Note: you may see another guy running around doing his own thing. That's my boyfriend so don't worry about him. I'm the guy in the red coat.
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