Metroid Prime 3


Senior Member
Jul 1, 2005
Because certain people can't stop bashing this game, I think it needs it's own topic that's on the first page. Some people want spongbob more than this game apparently.

Anyway, I loved Metroid Prime and its sequal. I can't see why anyone wouldn't, besides that "Metroid was so great. Why couldn't they simply make it a regular shooter?" Why isn't Smash Bros a typical Fighter? Why isn't Paper Mario a typical RPG? Why isn't Jungle Beat a typical Platformer? Because they're better that way! More innovative! More fresh. Although I can see why you guys hate the prime games because of this departure from what you're used to (I dislike Jungle Beat for throwing away every charecter and making DK look like a ******), that doesn't make it bad in it's own right. Would you like a FFlike SMRPG, or an innovative franchize that makes all of its original partner charecters existing races rather than using "Wooden Man and Cloud guy"? Would you like a typical shooting game such as Hunters or an Innovative First Person Adventure that actualy has metroids in it? You should know this.

Anyway, I look foward to this, and intend to get it at launch. Or atleast when I buy it if I don't get mine at launch.
It does seem like a good game the 1st prime was good, ive never played the sequal but also looked good I think I migh get mp3 later on.
JJRamone2 said:
MasterDS lite said:
Anyway, I loved Metroid Prime and its sequal. I can't see why anyone wouldn't,
Because you're an arogant fool clearly.
Psst. Try having a point.

;) Saying "U R ******** becuz U like MP" isn't that good a post.
MP3 is going to suck just like the other MP games. Nintendo should make Metroid games like Super Metroid, 2D sidescrollers. FPS ruined Metroid, hopefully someone of importance in the video game industry realizes that.

Well, the trend so far is MP > MP2 > MPH so I'm guessing MP3 is going to be worse than MPH.

Also, JJ said that because you said "I can't see why anyone wouldn't" they really sucked, that's why people wouldn't like it.

@MDS first post, well, ummm...making Metroid a FPS ruined the series, so it doesn't really matter that it is an "innovative FPS" which is really isn't.
MasterDS lite said:
JJRamone2 said:
MasterDS lite said:
Anyway, I loved Metroid Prime and its sequal. I can't see why anyone wouldn't,
Because you're an arogant fool clearly.
Psst. Try having a point.

;) Saying "U R ******** becuz U like MP" isn't that good a post.
I say that because you seem to think that your way of thinking is the ONLY way of thinking by saying "MP is the best game series ever and nobody can say otherwise". That just screams arogant thus proving my point, you are an arogant fool.
Metroid and FPS, for me personally, is like butter to bread. 2D Metroids, while stunning in their own regard, always felt slightly foreign to me. FPS molding fits the Metroid world ever so much... That's my opinion, though, and I know most people differ.
