Metroid Prime Hunters Any Good?

Phantom Guardian Ash

Senior Member
Aug 9, 2006
Well im looking at the screen shots and it looks very good!

can anyone give me any reasons to buy it??
so far Im getting it

55% im getting
45% im not.

Looks badass!
It's a good game, that was ruined by win desperate players!!! Single player is really easy..but the wi-fi has a lot of players that cheat (glitching,lagging, disconnecting, spawn killing, and some...hacking.) I wouldn't reccomend getting it...some ppl seem to start thinking FPS are all about good sniping aim...

-_- Well I think I gave you all the good stuff bout the game....BTW Mph discussion can turn into a political debate in a snap..
Only get it if you canplay it on wifi. Singal player sucks, but multiplayer is awsome. There are alot of alt spammers and glitchers and noob hunters online but you just have to know how to counter them.
Do NOT be discouraged; this is one of the best DS games currently out, if not the best. I have no encountered a single hacker online, I have only met people who use professional techniques, such as Shadow Freezing, but they are completely legitimate. So legitimate, that I use them myself sometimes.
No. Single player sucks, and only people who pwn Noobs for a living still play it online.

Not worth it.
MasterDS lite said:
No. Single player sucks, and only people who pwn Noobs for a living still play it online.

Not worth it.
I pwn noobs for a living, but that's not why I play MPH.
Get this game or I will strangulate you. It is THE best game on the DS. Nuff' said.
MKDS is better for those with no Wifi. Actualy wi-fi is an added bonus so MKDS is the best game
