Cycling - Mia's Cycling Thread!

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Would have voided him, but he's the first Villager moving!


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And I apologize about everything! I didn't see your VM and then I posted him again to give him a second must have not been on to claim him.
FINALLY SOMEONE WITH LOBO bless you Mia, glad you're back^^
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I am totally a newb. But I'm pretty hardcore into animal crossing. Still new to new leaf, though. Just got my 3DS. I wonder if you'd still consider letting me take Lobo. He was my favorite guy in my town of the old GameCube version, haha. Now he's one of my dreamies. : D
I am totally a newb. But I'm pretty hardcore into animal crossing. Still new to new leaf, though. Just got my 3DS. I wonder if you'd still consider letting me take Lobo. He was my favorite guy in my town of the old GameCube version, haha. Now he's one of my dreamies. : D

Please read the rules at the front page.
Miranda moved in, Eugene is moving. Will void in 10 minutes!

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I did. That's why I responded with the newb thing, seeing if it mattered if I was at least into the game stuff? Sorry, still figuring everything out. Thanks for your time, sorry to bug.

Sorry - it doesn't matter if you've just started OR have been playing since the game has been out. I want to give everyone an equal opportunity to getting Villagers. Good luck on getting your dreamies!
Yay, awesome! Ill go grab his DS right now~

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Alright his FC is 5429-8349-9265

Thanks again!

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Hes alseep. Since its almost midnight here, so this will be a great surprise in the morning! Haha :D
Magnificent, on my way :D

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Phew awesome!
Maybe Agent S can be all super hero like and stop my brothers creepy character!
Thanks again! :D

Im sure he will be excited to see a plot show up marking Agent S' new home. <3
That and he didnt go to the void. Phew.
Hippeux moved in, Tammy is moving OUT. Will void her in 10 minutes.

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Tammy is being voided.
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